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It's been months now since Eva died. It took a while, but I maganed to get over it. She did try to kill me so it should've been easier than it was, I still find myself thinking about that day every now and again, and how she blamed me for their deaths Madison, Kanato and Lucy. It still feels weird to think about them, telling their parents wasn't easy either.

 "Yuki are you awake yet? I'm coming in!" yelled Hikaru, but even with my hightened hearing, the sound of running shower water managed to block out his voice.

 "I'm so tired of being here, suppressed by all my childish fears... and if you have to leave, I wish that you would just leave..." I sung as I heard a crash! what was that just now. I turned off the water and quickly wrapped my towel around myself, my wet blonde hair dripping down my back and shoulders.

 "Nice singing Yuki." Said Hikaru. Suprising me so much that I'd let go of my towel for a second and mentally screamed. Hopefully he didn't see anything as it didn't fall or anything just slipped, yeah slipped. I looked at him, anger began to replace my embarrassment.

 "What the hell are you doing in here!? Did you even knock!? And why were you listening to me whilst I was in the shower?" The questions just flowed out of me, was it just do hide my awkward embarrassment, um duh!

"Why are you yelling at me? I always let myself in..."

"Yeah after I tell you it's ok."

"You didn't let me finish. I let myself in to talk to you, but you were obviously in the shower, so I decided to just sit in here and wait, I even got to hear you sing, which by the way was great. And on top of all of that I even got to see you blush when you dropped your towel." He sat there and chuckled at me before he spoke again.

"Don't worry I didn't see anything." On the outside I seemed unphased, as if I hadn't even noticed that my towel dropped, but on the inside the mental screaming managed to subside.

"Oh, ok." I replied, simply because I had no other words.

"Um, can you leave whilst I get changed?" I asked, more politely than usual.

"What!? I literally just got comfortable laying here." He really did look serious when he said that.

"Fine. Whatever, I'll go get changed in the bathroom, gosh remember this is my apartment." I said this just as I'd grabbed my clothes and fled the room.

----------------------------------------------------- time skip---------------------------------------------------

"Oh. Your done already? You look different." Said Hikaru.

"Yeah I don't take that long to get changed, and I probably look different because my hair is still kind of damp." I replied in a dull and lifeless way, I felt as if my life had been sucked away since the towel incident, then being practically kicked out of my own room so I could get changed is embarrassing too.

"Yeah, your probably right. Oh yeah, and by the way, we need to be in Kazuma's office in about thirty minutes, so finish getting ready and then we can head down there together."

"That's it?" The whole reason all of this happened was because Kazuma wanted to see us.

"You seem annoyed." He saw me, and slowly backed away.

"Yeah I'm annoyed, you just scared when I was in the shower, then you managed to scare me enough for me to drop the towel, then you managed to force me into changing somewhere else, all because you were comfy on my bed." I stared evily towards me.

"Sorry. I didn't realise." Remorse really was written all over his face.

"'s fine, don't worry it's in the past let's just forget about it." He nodded towards me showing he understood. And with that I finished getting ready, and together we decided to go to Kazuma's office.

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