The Start... part one

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Author's note: sorry this chapter is kind of short as well as the fact that I've not updated in so long. Sorry again about my lousy updating. This is only one part of two and the second chapter is REALLY long so have fun reading!

Yuki's POV.

Yesterday kept flashing through my mind as I tried to sleep. But every time I closed my eyes, my mind started to wonder back to that memory of Hikaru's eyes glowing a similar red to my own. I'd spent all day thinking about it and before I knew it... twilight hour had come and it was time for me to get up.

I roamed around headquarters for probably an hour before I realised what I was doing and stopped. I looked down at my feet my black boots were shiny enough that I could see my reflection. By seeing how I looked I realised I either needed sleep or blood. And sleep was not an option. I walked to the cafeteria to see everyone was standing next to the fridge where all my blood is kept.

"Sorry miss Yuki you can't have any blood today."Said one of the teenage part timers we had as he stuck out his arm. I saw both James and Hikaru sigh before I answered. I grabbed the boys arm and pulled up the sleeve exposing his wrist.

" I'm in mood for this. If I can't have some of my own stored up human blood then I will take fresh blood right from the vains." I glared evilly at him and he quickly pulled away and hid behind James. "See now was that such a hard choice?' I asked sarcastically and opened the fridge to grab some blood and slowly started to drink it.

"Really!? You couldn't stop her from drinking the blood!" Screamed a familiar voice. It was Kazuma. Great I did something wrong again.

"Kazuma, you should have known that I was going to want something to eat when I got up, but purposely trying to stop me from eating or drinking or whatever you guys have decided to call it isn't very nice. How would you like it if I stopped you from eating huh?" I said. He glanced at me with a look of pain.

"Yuki. You know things were easier when you refused to speak. But there's no helping it. Can you come to my office?" Kazuma was serious about something. And it looked like my blood stash was part of it.

"Sure." I replied. We then walked about five minutes in complete silence before arriving at his office. "While I close the door. How about you tell me what's going on?" I then closed the door, took a sip from my blood bag straw and sat down in the chair in front of Kazuma and his desk.

"Thanks for closing the door. Now get comfortable, this may take a while. I didn't know what to do about it. I assumed that maybe with the lack of blood intake you would reveal yourself and we could fix things but now I'm fearing the worst." Said Kazuma.

"What are you talking about Kazuma?"

" You were training yesterday with the new recruits yesterday before I spoke to you about the Hikaru concept right?"

"Yes that's right. What of it?"

"Well they said... That you were complaining about being hungry and that you were tempted to bite someone to stop your 'madness'. Before you say anything just listen. The thing is that shortly after you and Hikaru left each other one of the students that you were seen arguing with over your... eating habits. Was found dead and drained of blood." Said Kazuma. He seemed sick to his stomach merely looking at me drink the blood from the bag in my hands.

"Oh that!" He shifted in his seat. Seeming scared. "Oh no I don't mean that I killed them. I mean I know what your talking about! when I was done teaching. One of the students came up to me and said that I was looking horrible and pale since it'd been an entire month since a new shipment of blood came in and I admit I was in a bad mood. She got brave and attacked me saying that I was filth. I pushed her away and scratched her. I didn't kill her. And yes I said I was tempted to bite someone but that doesn't mean that I actually did."

"Really Yuki? Then what did you mean by the 'madness'?" Asked Kazuma. I could see that me drinking blood was making him uncomfortable, but I couldn't bring myself to stop drinking it. I really was hungry.

"The madness... hm funny story when I think about it. You see the madness is what we Shadow Crawlers call a type of mental starvation. It has many different meanings but always leads to the same conclusion. Death. The death of a Shadow Crawler... or of a human. The madness is hard to explain. One example is when we don't drink blood, I'm a pure blooded original so it's different for me, but when it comes to an average Shadow Crawler. Whenever they go a month without blood, their minds unhinge, they do whatever they need to in order to get what they need or what they think they need, even if it means biting someone."

"Strange. Now what did you mean by it's different for you?" Asked Kazuma.

"This is making my head hurt. For me, because I'm a pure blood, meaning I was born a Shadow Crawler (she's also the last one alive btw) means that it takes a lot more to break me. It also means that my senses are heightened to the point where all of the people in this building wouldn't be able to compare. The madness for someone like me is extreme. I can last a lot longer than a month without eating and human food makes me sick so I can't eat that, by going to long without blood I get slower and tired. I end up spiralling out of control and the likely hood of killing although is still relatively low it can still happen. The madness is a psychotic break for a pure blood. It takes some time to accomplish and when it does its gard to stop. It happens in many ways and can be seen as a disease since when it starts black marks will appear on the body the final change is when their fangs look similar to sharks teeth. It's quite a painful thing too." I replied. It was true though, the madness could be seen in many different ways and can't be explained with words alone. The black marks truly are the only thing I can think of that can help describe it.

"Oh. Do you have the-"

"No. Don't even consider finishing that question Kazuma." A question like that and of that seriousness is not one that you would ask someone like me. It's just the perfect way to piss me off.

"Jamie did though didn't she?" Asked Kazuma. And he was right.

"Yes she did. This madness is what gives her the power to turn people into Shadow Crawlers. Without the madness and without being a pure blood you can't change a human. Usually the madness puts people in pain and eventually kills them. But her... she's different. Somehow she managed to live with it, it was strange." I said.

"So... your not the one that killed that girl?" Said Kazuma.

"No. I'm not Kazuma, but I don't mind helping to find out who it was."

'Why? I just accused you of it and a lot of the others believe it was you too." He looked surprised.

"It's because you accused me that I want to help. I don't like the idea of there being some bastard out there, trying to make everyone turn on me or maybe even pretending to be me! That's something I will not stand for." I replied, I could feel my blood boiling.

"Yuki... ha! Boy am I glad that you don't have the madness. Sounds like if you did have it, that we'd be in some deep shit."

"No kidding. Now you see don't you? ... what I used to go through everyday in order to keep the other Shadow Crawlers in check. And people wondered why I left. It's kind of funny!" I smiled at him, Kazuma and Julia are the only ones that knew of my past. My past as the leader of ALL Shadow Crawlers... and as the last pure blooded original Shadow Crawler... its already been 400 years huh... yeah that's funny alright.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2015 ⏰

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