4 | Bellamy

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Let's rewind a few pages shall we.

Tubbo, Tommy, Ranboo and I started building a house shaped like a mushroom. I don't know how we agreed to build one since I didn't talk but I was rather shocked. They immediately welcomed me to play with them. 

My original plan was just to explore for a bit and then build a statue in my honor but plans changes. After the stream was finished we continued building and they we're just talking casually and constantly joking. I couldn't help but laugh every time.

After awhile three other people came, one said something rude but I can see where they coming from because I quite literally hacked into their game. The teens screamed at Dream warning him that I can hear them.

That leaves me to the present.

Tommy and dream are slightly bickering but I don't pay notice as I stand up and reach over the desk for my water bottle. I grab it and suddenly I'm hit with dizziness, the bottle slips out of my grip. I hold my head and squeeze my eyes closed to overcome the unsteady sensation.

I look back down and see that my bottle is leaking all over laptop. 

''Oh shit, Oh shit, Oh shit!'' I say distressed as I lift the bottle off my keyboard and try to soak all the water up with my sweaters sleeve. When most of the water is gone I sit back down and sigh.

When I realize nobody is talking in the background I lift my head back up. My eyebrows knit in confusion as the people just stares at me. 

''Did Geek just talk?'' Tommy asks in a shocked tone. I start to panic and look at my screen only to see that my mic is unmuted. 

''Double shit!'' I quickly leave the server and lay my head on my desk, my cheeks feel hot with embarrassment. 

''Fuck my life'' I mutter under my breath as I close my laptop and stood up to jump on my bed face first.

I hear a knock on my door and it slowly opens. I turn my head to the side to see the nurse with all my medicine and a yogurt cup. I thank her as she just puts it on my night stand. The moment she closes the door I turn my face right back into the covers, testing to see if I could suffocate myself. Science experiment purposes only.


After about two hours of questioning my sanity and pushing pills down my throat I finally decide to face my problems. I sit comfortable on my bed, resting my head against the headboard and knees slightly bending. 

I open my phone and start hacking into Tommy's phone. His was the easiest since I know his full name. I scroll through his contacts only to find a group chat with all the people that we're in the server. How convenient I thought to myself.

People with good genes + The teens


I just wanted to say sorry for dipping on you guys

Sippy Cup



Reporting for duty o7


You talked?

Greek Yogurt


Wait who changed my name?!

Bath Tub

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