2 | Bellamy

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Perks of living in a hospital is followed by the boring shit like extensive healthcare, online schooling and what-not but then we get to exciting stuff like breakfast in bed, pudding cups every Wednesday and free Wi-Fi.

Oh! Let's not forget that there is a vending machine around every corner stuffed with snacks. I swear to you that it basically eyes you until you full it with coins, the foodie in me happily obliges to it's every command.

And then we have the more sucky stuff that contains consuming pills constantly, no friends, not seeing family as much, constantly feeling like a burden and celebrating every birthday like it would be my last...

Living in a hospital also means that there's something wrong with you, which brings me to my next point: Chemotherapy.

Why is this important you may ask? Short answer is that I have Leukemia, also known as Cancer of the blood and bone marrow. 

Chemotherapy is also where I'm heading right now with my soft blanket bundled up under my arm, phone in my hand and yogurt cup in the other.

The staff gives me hugs and kisses on the cheek when I walk past them in the hall. I've known most of them since I was five, they all still treat me like a kid. I don't mind though, sometimes I wish that I still have that child-innocence that is oblivious to this world. 

Gazing down I see my feet are covered with my bunny slippers, the ears are dangling on it's sides and it reminds me that I'm still in my pj's. This isn't unlikely most people on this side of the hospital like to dress comfortable while they have their sessions.

I turn a corner and walk forward until I see the sign I see two times a week. I walk up to the door and push it open with my shoulder. The lady behind the desk recognizes me immediately and smiles at me brightly while giving me my forms where I quickly sign and go take my seat on the right corner. 

There is about eight chemo set-ups in this room and only four are occupied, most of them are over forty and have their loved-ones next to them. Unlike me but I don't dwell on that thought.

I put my things on the table next to my seat and adjust the blanket over my legs for warmth. Turning to my belongings I grab the small packaging and tear it open. I take out the disinfectant cloth and modify my clothing so that my shirt hangs loosely around my right shoulder which reveals a small plastic port that is attached to my lower shoulder. 

Just when I was about to clean it a hand gently grabs it out of my hold. I look up and smile when I see Mrs. Williams my nurse smiling right back at me. She is almost sixteen years older than me but doesn't look a day over 28 with her jet black hair and striking blue eyes.

''Hey Sweetheart, sorry for the wait. How have you been doing?'' She says in her usual enthusiastic tone while she disinfects where she is about to puncture me, I turn my neck slightly to the side so that she has more access.

''Oh, no worry's! I've been feeling great lately, how are the kids?'' I try to match her energy as I tear open the packaging of my yogurt and lick of my fingers.

''Omg! You should have seen the mess the other day in the kitchen'' She pauses to attach the thin pipe to the port. She slightly laughs as she continuous ''You know recently Elijah have been rummaging through the cabinets and discovered the flour. It was everywhere! My husband wasn't as impressed but I couldn't help but laugh because baby James was covered from head to toe and had no idea what was happening while he sneezed, the poor kid was so confused.'' I can tell she is trying not to laugh at her own story and it honestly brings a smile to my lips.

''You weren't mad?'' I ask sincerely. She's turned around now to turn the dial. I watch intently as the liquid flows from the bag through the tube to enter my veins. Putting my yogurt aside and taking my pills out one at a time and dump them in the yogurt. Mrs. Williams hands me a spoon and I thank her as she grabs a chair and sit right in front of me.

''Of course not. This is actually what I was hoping for when I became a mother. Elijah didn't know it was wrong until I got the opportunity to teach him, he also had this wide smile on his face of pure joy and fulfillment.'' She sighs in content but quickly sit up straight like she remembered something. ''Where is your family these days? They haven't visited recently.''

''Mom and dad are so caught up in work recently that they don't have the chance too but Gray really wants to visit, he just doesn't have a ride. He messages me every morning and night without fail. He's fourteen now but just as family oriented as ever.'' I say with utter admiration. 

My parents aren't bad. They really are trying their best to support me and my brother on top of all my medical bills.

She quickly stands up and gives me one final hug before she goes back to her job, ''I better go before my patients think I'm choosing favorites.'' She winks and walk off. 

When she's out of sight I take one big mouthful of yogurt and set it aside to take out my phone. 

The moment I'm on twitter I'm bombarded with tweets with one thing in common. 

It's all about something I may have done last night. It was so subtle I don't even know how people realized this fast. It was also the first time I used the name people we're naming me. To be honest I kind of like seeing all this articles about me without actually knowing it's me.

Tonight I'm actually planning to play with another big youtuber like I do every night.


Not edited

Finished: 24 November 2021

Word count: 1046



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