Chapter 3

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Unpuzzle my lego
At a level where it can't return 
to its original shape

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You stood up, your heart aching with agony and melancholy

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You stood up, your heart aching with agony and melancholy. This was by far the most painful day you've ever had.

You walked to your door, unlocked it, and went to your shelf, where you put your bag. Still sniffing your tears away, you open your handbag and clean your face with a wet wipe before retouching your make-up in your small make-up mirror.

Your eyes are red-rimmed, so you put on your reading glasses to conceal the pain in your eyes. Your gaze darted over your cherished workplace, and you took the time and effort to customize it in a professional yet homey way. 

Rose has a better chance of getting this job, and she and Kai are currently sharing an art department workspace.

Rose has a better chance of getting this job, and she and Kai are currently sharing an art department workspace

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You sighed deeply and sat down at your desk to begin typing your resignation letter. You couldn't believe you'd lost the only job that had given you a chance. For nearly two years, this has been your second home and family. 

The agency that helped you grow as a person and advance in life. Tears welled up in your eyes once more, but you wiped them away angrily. You must be tough right now.

Jeon Jungkook would be unable to break your spirit, and he will not be able to crush you. You will triumph over all adversity. Perhaps this will work in your favour since you will no longer be victimized by wealthy clientele. You had to cope with perverted clientele that seeks favours in exchange for contracts.

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