Chapter 11

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In order to release your

 hand right now

I gotta let you know

 (Gotta let you know)


You remained motionless on the stairwell as you and your past locked gazes

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You remained motionless on the stairwell as you and your past locked gazes. As Jungkook's eyes locked in on you, a slew of emotions flashed through his mind, and Mr Lee had no idea that the two of you were fixated on each other. It was as though a mysterious power was holding your gazes fixed.

Taehyung, who had a candid conversation with Mr Lee, looked concernedly at his maknae-friend. Jungkooks' teeth were clenched and his lips were squeezed together firmly. Even if he appeared cool and stern, the maknaes knew Jungkook was all but OK after seeing his ex. They knew their Gukie would be in an emotional condition after seeing his ex.

When Mr Lee turned around, his eyes met yours and he grinned warmly. You looked at him with an unreadable expression on your face.

"Meet my buddies, Ms Song. We've been friends since high school. Please come meet them "He made an exaggerated hand gesture as if he was overjoyed to see his friends coming to his establishment after such a long time.

You provide a wry smile to the group's calculating eyes. Jimin's eyes were frigid, and Taehyung's face was expressionless as they peered at you with confused, furrowed brows. You felt lost and dejected just looking at them. You were so close two years ago, and you loved and respected each other...and now all you have is scorn and underlying hatred. You don't want to be here at all.

Your heart ached, and you pressed your lips tightly together as you stared back at the man whose main purpose in life was to destroy you.

"Oh, we met before Mr need to leave... take care," you say, slightly bowing in the direction of the group, who stood speechless. Unconcerned about what they thought of you or your association with the actor/model, you swing your bag around your shoulder and grip your laptop bag to proceed to the entrance.

Mr Lee, on the other hand, delicately holds your elbow to prevent you from leaving his sight. The Bangtan's attention was drawn to his expression.Is there a connection between the two? Jimin and Taehyung glanced at Jungkook with anxiety, knowing that this girl continues to shake Jungkook's world. He hasn't really recovered from the treachery.

Jungkook's eyes were merely narrowed. As a result, she appears to have moved on. His gaze is drawn to her exquisite beauty. Her lustrous locks drew wayward thoughts into his head, which was wandering into uncharted territory. It was a period when his fingers were intertwined in her luscious locks, and he was deeply in love with her. He immediately shook those thoughts out of his head. He is no longer in love with the girl he once adored. Even if she still has that beauty, but it's masked by a deceitful heart. His eyes had turned chilly and were now devoid of any emotion. His heart, on the other hand, was fluttering erratically.

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