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I wake up with my head on Vera's shoulder. It would be a very nostalgic moment if it wasn't for the fact that I can hear my brother snoring in the other room. He just has to ruin shit, doesn't he? I scoff and lift my head up, rubbing my eyes. What time is it? The sun blinds my eyes as it shines through my window and judging by how bright it is, it must be noon already. Or afternoon.

I pick up my phone to check. 12.05 in the afternoon. Well, more like midday, but whatever. I've got one fucked up sleep schedule right here. And so does Nick, but that isn't as much of a surprise, he's never had a good sleeping schedule.

Flashbacks of finding him blacked out on the floor, the sofa, sitting at the dinner table, resting on the counter, and even on a pool toy in the water when we were in Greece one summer. I mean, couldn't he even keep it together during our family vacation? I used to take melatonin to be able to fall asleep and I still think he stole those genes from me.

Pieces of chips are scattered all over my covers and our glasses are still half full on my nightstand. I look around a bit more, seeing that my laptop is also still open, but I discover it's dead when I try to turn it on. I sigh and slowly and carefully get out of bed to not wake Vera up. Then I tiptoe to Sapnap's room.

I carefully open his door, but it creaks incredibly loud and I wince, freezing up. I shut my eyes hard and clenched my teeth. God, I hope he was already awake and that I did not wake him.

"What do you want?" He pushes the door open quickly, almost slamming it in my face. I widen my eyes and hush him.

"Vera's still sleeping" I hiss and glance towards my door. He opens his mouth a bit and says 'oh', nodding, before letting me in.

I walk over to his bed and sit down. He looks at me with furrowed eyebrows but doesn't say anything. I wrinkle my nose up. "Your room stinks," I say and look around a bit. "What do you want?" He leaves no room for chit-chat. So nice.

I roll my eyes when he isn't looking. "I'm bored and your sleep schedule is shit so I guessed you were awake," I say and he gasps.

"You- I- fucking bitch" Sapnap says angrily and I laugh. He's weirdly offended considering he knows I'm right. He may have an easy time falling asleep, but the bad part is when he falls asleep. Again, the time on the inflatable water mattress in the pool. It was one pm. One fucking pm. Let that sink in.

"I may be a bitch, but so are you and I'm the badder and better one" I give him a lopsided smile and he smacks my arm. "What? We both know it's true" I roll my eyes again, this time so he can see it.

"It's not..." He mumbles and I hear faint laughter coming from his headphones that are laid down on his desk. Suspicion rises within me and I look at him with squinted eyes.

"Nick... is there someone you're talking to? That can hear us?" I ask him and his cheeks turn red. I grin. "How's it feel getting dissed in front of your friends?" I ask him sweetly and he mumbles something I can't hear. "What was that Sapnap?" I'm still grinning ear-to-ear. I will never let him live this one down.

"I said fuck you," He crosses his arms and walks over to his desk, sitting down in his chair. I have no idea why he has been standing up this entire time, but he has. For some unexplainable reason.

"Aw, is little Sappy-nappy embarrassed?" I pout and baby him. He just scoffs and pulls his headphones out so I can hear everyone.

"It's just Dream," He informs me while glancing back at me on the bed. I just stare emotionlessly at him in return, causing him to scoff and turn back around.

"What the fuck do you mean 'just Dream'? I'm awesome" Dream says from his end. I roll my eyes at this statement, simply because it isn't true. He is not awesome. He is mediocre at best and I stand by that.

"You sure about that one Dream?" I know for a fact that my brother is arching at least one of his eyebrows right now. That's just how he is.

"We're talking to Dream?" Vera's voice comes from the doorway and I look over to see her rubbing her eyes, her heavy red hair looking like a birds nest.

"Uh, yeah," Nick looks between me and her, seeming a bit confused. I can practically see the wheels turning in his bird sized brain. If he even has one. "Do you know who that is?" He asks her.

"'Course. I watch Corpse a lot," She shrugs. Either she just came up with the most believable lie I've heard in my entire life just to save my sorry ass, or she actually does know him that way. Well, she did know who he was before I told her now that I think about it.

"Corpse? Oh you're one of the simps," Sapnap breathes in through his teeth. "That's never a good sign," He smiles with compassion and tilts his head. Vera gasps.

"Okay, and? What's wrong with that?" She snorts and crosses her arms.

"It's wrong because you simp for Crops and not me," Dream says from the computer. I had almost forgotten he was still here.

"Oh, shut up dude. We all know he's better than you," Sapnap eye rolls and I laugh before slamming my palm over my mouth. "See Y/n? I can be funny," He says proudly, grinning at himself like an idiot.

"His name isn't Crops you know," Vera knits her eyebrows together.

"I know, and I'm kidding. Corpse is a really cool guy" Dream says and me and Vera simultaneously nod. Who can honestly disagree with that? Like seriously, Corpse is awesome. Makes good music too. I get why Karl is friends with him.

"You better be," Vera mutters and I laugh, making her expression soften. "Wanna get breakfast? I'm starving," She smiles at me.

"Sure," I get up from the bed and start following her out of the room.

"Hey, can you guys get something for me as well?" Sapnap calls after us while plugging his headphones back in. I semi-turn back to him.

"Aight, what do you want?" I ask him and he hums, seeming to really think about it. "Come on, hurry, we can't wait for you to pick something all day" I say impatiently.

"Okay, get me whatever. As long as it isn't a salad," He looks at me through his eyelashes and I know he's thinking about that night I made salad for dinner. Or was it lunch? I honestly don't remember. It was after I met Karl though, that much I know.

"Okay then, salad it is," I nod, managing to keep my face serious.

"What the fuck sis?" He says with a sight and slumps down even further in his chair. I grin at him before closing his bedroom door.

"I'm kidding. We will get you something to eat though." I've almost closed the door when I remember something and push it wide open again. "Oh, and tell Dream he sucks and Corpse is better than him!" I yell and slam the door shut.

Vera grins at me from the top of the staircase and I walk up to her. She holds her hand up for a high five and I slam my palm against hers. "Good job there," She says.

"Anything to bring that green blob down," I grin back and follow her down the stairs. I am so going to buy myself a salad and trick Sapnap into thinking I bought it for him. It'll be hilarious.

𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐘, k.jacobs²Where stories live. Discover now