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I have been having a lot of problems lately. I've noticed that i'm letting my life slip away. I don't try as hard as I need to with important things and I am too engrossed in fictional worlds to care about what's going on in this one. I have a hard time at focusing on anything unless it's something I choose to focus on.
I worry too much over unimportant things, too. Like, "why haven't they replied yet" or "I did that one nice thing and they haven't returned the favor". I hate this way of thinking. I've been relaxing too much And getting my way and it's starting to effect a lot of my daily life. I need to take a break from writing, Kik (which I have deleted from my phone), and really any kind of social media.
So I will still get on here to read whenever I feel up to it, but I really need to get my life in order. The way I want it to. Not the way someone else tells me.
I will be editing, as well, so there's something that'll take up more time. Also, after every book I read, i'm going to add to this new recommendation book on WattPad as well. Just so I can keep a record of everything I read.
I love you all so much! Thank you for reading and please continue to stay patient for when I return.

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