Chapter 11: Running

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Coraline tiptoed across the porch, cursing every creak and groan that escaped from the boards with each step. She stopped at the top of the stairs and turned to let Wybie know he could come.
He seemed more nervous than she was.
Probably because she knew what to expect. He'd heard her stories, but this was still new to him. It was like walking into a room blindfolded and told not to run into the knives sticking out of the walls.
"Just follow me and stay close," Coraline whispered.
He nodded, subconsciously holding onto the hem of her shirt. She chuckled at his child-like manner, but decided not to tease him.
Seeing as the Beldam had eyes everywhere, she thought it would be best to go the long way around. It was more than likely that she already knew they were there.
It wasn't much longer until they were gotten rid of.
Coraline led Wybie around the house, careful to stay in the grass to muffle her steps. She kept looking over her shoulder to make sure he was still there.
It was too quiet.
A familiar kind of quiet.
The I'm-Waiting-to-See-How-Far-You-Get-Before-You-Screw-Up kind of quiet.
Coraline weaved her way to the steps leading down to where Norman was most likely waiting to be saved. Either that or waiting to fall into her trap.


"How was your day?" The Other Mother asked, ruffling his hair as she tucked him into bed. "Did you have fun?"
Norman nodded, fighting back a smile.
"I'm glad." She hesitated, her face twisting into a look that sent a chill down his spine. It was gone just as quickly as it had appeared. "Now, rest up. Tomorrow's a big day."
"What's happening then?"
"We have a present for you." She gave him a promising smile and stood up. "Good night, Love."
Norman mumbled a response and stared up at the ceiling. It was warmer here.
Brighter, even.


Coraline pushed open the door, immediately being hit with a wave of regret. She wanted to go home.
Wybie seemed to notice since he moved his grip to her elbow.
"You okay?" He asked.
"Yeah." She shrugged him off and ventured further into the small apartment.
So far, the coast was in the clear.
The Other Mother was in the kitchen, humming that stupid song.
Coraline stepped back.
There had to be a window they could come in through.
"Going somewhere?" A cold voice asked.
Wybie said something under his breath, placing his hands on Coraline's shoulders to steer her back up the steps.
Before they could get past the door, a shadow was cast over them.
"But you just got back, honey. We have so much to catch up on."

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