Chapter 4

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The Nurse said, "Now, was that so hard?"

I wanted to growl when the Nurse said this, but I couldn't because the whole group had, at first, gasped, then rushed over to see if there was anything that they could do. I wanted to sigh, but sighing required breathing and breathing was hard to do at the moment.

"Well, now that you've exposed my secret, I guess that I'll have to pass out now," I stated warily as the shock and wariness had worn off, and I laid down and fell asleep.

When I came to, I wasn't outside anymore, and there were people who I didn't know surrounding me. I tried to get up, but someone put a hand on my shoulders and pushed me back down. I wanted to attack, but I couldn't for I was strapped to a metal hospital gurney in padded cuffs. I was pushed back down and a light was shown into my eyes, first from the left then to the right. I was panicking, but I couldn't stop until someone that I knew came into the picture. The Nurse from my group showed up and told me to calm down or that they were going to drug me. At the thought of drugs, I stilled my movements, and I took a deep breathe, in and out, and I calmed down.

"Hey, Leader, how are ya feeling?" Asked the Nurse, who stood by the gurney and watched both me and the other individual, who went back to checking my vitals.

I glared at her and said, "I'm fine, but what happened? Where are we? Where is everyone else?"

She ignore my glare and said that the group was fine and that they were just outside of the room. I nodded at the information, but before she could continue, someone came in and ushered the Nurse out. The other individual had finished his task of checking my vitals, and checking my wrapped chest to make sure the bindings were secure, then he left the room after telling me to rest, sleep if possible, and that someone would be coming to release you. I nodded and he left, but before he closed the door, I saw how my people were being treated, at least, a portion of my group, and it appears that the group was afraid but they were handling their fear rather well. I clenched my fist in anger at the their treatment, but I reigned in my temper and calmed down. I fell asleep after waiting what felt like hours, but in reality was about 45 minutes.

I awoke to someone talking to someone else near my gurney, but I couldn't see because someone had drawn the curtains around the gurney closed. I started to fall back to sleep until I heard my name being talked about, and I listened in.

Someone #1: "... I hear this patient's name is Chris, is that correct?"

Someone #2: "That is right".

Someone #1: "Do you know if this patient is a male or a female? I need to know what this patient's profession is as well, so that I can plan accordingly."

Someone #2: "Does it really matter what the gender is, Doctor? Couldn't you just treat the patient as a patient and be done with it?"

Doctor/ Someone #1: "If you want my co-operation, then 'yes' the gender is needed. That is our motto: A patient's a patient, no more no less, so treat them accordingly, and without distress. I can understand the importance of keeping the gender a secret, but I can't treat accordingly if I don't know."

Someone #2: " (sigh) I understand. Your patient is a female soldier who is on a mission from the King."

Doctor: "I see. The King, eh? Understood."

Someone #2: " Well, now you know, but this must stay between us. No one is to know about my involvement unless absolutely necessary."

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