Chapter 7

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"What children?" Stated the pseudo-king as he looked around at his crew, quietly asking if they knew.

One of the members in the back had an 'ah-hah' moment, and he moved forward to state his answer to the angered individual who growled out the question. "Ah ... um ... I know w-what h-happened to them". The female zero-ed in on the man who had come forward, "What. Happened. To. My. Groups. Younger's?" She was really, really, mad and it looked like she was trying to control her temper as he could see her clenching and unclenching her hand, and her tail was stiffly and slowly swaying back and forth. The man gulped as he felt her anger rolling off her in waves as he began explaining his report.

"T-The children were moved to a different facility. I don't know which one, because I was detained with this role, but I did see the name that was printed on the side of the vehicle: C-C/H". He stuttered in the beginning, but grew confident as he continued along with his report.

(Head Female's P.O.V.)

'C-C/H'? Whispered one of the female's from my group; I stilled in frozen shock, and stiffly asked, "I know this place. There are 3 facilities here in this city, correct?"

"Correct. The closest is about 10 miles North of our current position, but that is NOT our concern right now. Our concern is to get you and your (at scene) females to safety. THAT is our mission," said the pseudo-king as he moved forward toward the frozen female. The other females of the group moved back and away from their leader, not in fear, but in wary, for they knew what was going to happen.

(Outside P.O.V.)

The pseudo-king's crew saw that the Leader female's group were backing away from their leader, and one of the Lt's started to warn their leader to do this nicely, but before he could – she moved.

Her ears were laid back against her head, her tail laid limp, and her claws were showing. These were your only warnings as she narrowed in on the pseudo-king and her (right) clawed hand across his face when he moved closer and within her range. She broke the skin as five slashes were raked across his face, and he cried out in shock and pain as he went sprawling on the floor; Blood dripping down his face as he lifted himself off the floor, and turned his head, slowly, to face his attacker. He smiled as blood dripped down his face, or smiled as best he could, and he waved his hand to signal to his crew to stay their positions.

"I see that the rumors were true, you do have a mean temper, especially when someone mentions discarding the children in any way, shape, or form," stated the still bleeding and smiling pseudo-king. He made to move closer, again, after getting his face clawed up, but a voice from the back stopped him.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you. She's already pissed off, and I see no reason to aggravate her any further by moving closer, UNLESS you like getting beat up by the female, then by all means, continue moving toward her," stated the mystery person who stood behind the pseudo-king's hospital force. The pseudo-king stopped, and slowly turned around until he faced the mystery person.

"Good thing you're not me now are you?"

"That would be a yes".

"Who are you, and what happened to my scouts?" growled the pseudo-king. The force that the pseudo-king brought already had their weapons out and had them pointed at the man who vanished from sight! The force searched, and looked around the area until they found the man who was watching them from next to the Female Leader. He was smirking at them, and so were most of the females, including the (now relaxed) Leader. Her tail was swishing back and forth, freely, and her ears were pointing up and forward, and she was cleaning her nails from the blood that still clung to them. The pseudo-king moved toward them again, but with raised hands, but was stopped when a resounding growl (from the Leader) and gun (from the male) came back at his until he moved back to his main force, who had a medic with them, who started to clean up the bleeding as best as he could without wrapping up his face.

(Leader's P.O.V.)

"What are you doing here, Commander?" I asked lowly so that the pseudo-king and company couldn't hear.

"Following you; plus I still need to give you the message that the King commissioned me to give to you," stated the Commander after he put his weapon away. Before I could question him further, one of the females spoke up from behind them.

"H-Hey Leader, who-o is this male and h-how do you know him?" the female stuttered slightly.

I looked behind me to find that all of the females, who had backed away, had come forward to inspect this male who seems to like their leader, and I told them that now is not the time nor place to speak of such things, but that I would tell them when their group was whole again. The group looked skeptical, but I just nodded, and they all nodded in understanding, because they knew that when I said that I would tell them later, and then I would. (Ah! They know me so well).

"Seems like you picked up a decent batch of females, Staff Sergeant, but if you want to continue this conversation at a different time, then I need to tag-along, besides you may need my expertise, especially if you're going to raid the C-C/H facility," stated the Commander. He didn't sound very amused about this whole thing, but neither did I.

"What makes you think you can keep up with me, Commander? You only know the military version of me, you don't know about my other sides, now do you, Commander?"

"What sides do you mean? The sneaky, silent, ninja side, or the manipulative, deadly, assassin?" asked the Commander as he smirked down at the female that he trained since she joined his unit.

My jaw dropped before I could stop it, and his smirk grew bigger when he saw it.

"What are you talking about? I don't have an assassin side. Ninja, yes. Assassin, no." I reprimanded him after he brought my jaw up from the floor.



"Hmm, maybe I'm wrong, but then what about all the times that I caught you doing something sneaky, like going and visiting your sister during curfew, or when you killed your opponent who was giving you and the other females grief?" stated the evil smirking Commander.

"I don't know what you're talking about, or better yet, where's your proof?" I said numbly, almost like I didn't believe him, even though I knew that I did those things. What I don't believe is that he was the one who was watching me, or that he might have proof.

He moved closer to me, brought his head closer to my ear, and whispered, "I have them all in the database, and if you want to know everything about that, you'd have to come with me." He moved back, smirking all the same, and said, "But since you have a mission to save your rebel's children, we would talk about this later – at your leisure, of course." I glared at him the whole time, but before I could assault him, I heard a strange sound.


(Outside P.O.V.)

Everyone heard the sound, and started looking around for the sound. It sounded like a deep-sea depth sonar, but that can't be right. We were in a hospital, for one, and two, if we were hearing this that means something really, really, REALLY bad is coming.

"We need to leave, NOW!" shouted both the Female Leader and the Commander, which made everyone jump into action.

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