Chapter 8

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"We really need to leave, because that sound is not a good sound, trust me. Do tell me you have an escape plan, pseudo-king?" I started to shake as the adrenaline started to surge through me, but a hand on my shoulder restrained me from doing anything excessive.

"Calm down, soldier. The way you're acting makes me think you were never a part of the military if your fear controls your actions," whispers the Commander. The hand on my shoulder was warm, and I collected my thoughts so that I could formulate a plan that could ensure all of my female's safety.

"I am calm. It's not fear that I'm feeling but adrenaline, as in I'm hyper to move and destroy, but you are correct in thinking of a plan first," I took a deep breath in, and released it, and then started formulating a plan.

"I never, actually, said anything about a plan," mumbled the Commander.

"You implied it, sir." I smiled. "Now assist me in making sure we get out of this alive. FYI, my females are trained to follow orders – MY orders." I said as I glared at him to make sure he understood the statement.

"Good! That's good that you trained them to follow only your commands, because following multiple orders from many different voices will confuse the followers. So, what's the plan?" he praised her, for her excellent job on informing him of the trained females, but now they needed a plan to escape the headache coming their way.

I needed a plan, and the only thought going through my head was to run, but we didn't know the way, so I looked toward the pseudo-king to ask him if he knew the fastest way out, but he wasn't there. I looked around, but I didn't see them.

"They left as soon as they heard the pinging," stated the Commander.

"Damn! Do you know the way out?" I growled, then sighed as I asked for help.

"Well, I did wander these halls looking for you, especially when you ran out of the room like you were on fire or something. I MAY have seen an exit, but it may be blocked by whatever that sound is coming from," smirked the Commander.

"I DID NOT!" exclaimed the Female Leader.

"You did. Now, how is that plan coming along, Staff Sergeant?" questioned the Commander as his smirk grew at my exclamation, and I glared at his smirk.

The Leader looked over all of the facts before making a hasty decision that could make, or break the entire group. She looked at the still – fallen men who she found, she looked at the small group of females who would follow every order she gave without hesitation, she looked at the Commander who followed her from the Base, she looked at their current position in the hospital, she looked at possible escape routes, and she listened for the pinging noise that sounded closer than before. She looked at herself, just to see the battle damage, and noted that with the adrenaline still rushing through her body, she felt none of the pain that was sure to come after the adrenaline wears off. She has the makings of plan, but still a plan nonetheless.

"Alright, listen up! I have an idea, and I would like to know what you think before we rush with it," stated the Female Leader who wanted an honest opinion on her near-half-baked plan. "The plan is that whatever is out there is coming toward this position, and coming mildly fast, so I propose that we impersonate these fallen men, and stash the bodies in the mind-wipe room."

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