Chapter 14

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Opening the bathroom door after freshening up and chewing approximately ten pieces of gum, Charlie found Aaron standing outside in the corridor waiting for her, his dark eyes concerned. "I think I'm going…"

"To go home?" He finished for her, a small smile on his face that almost seemed… shy? Surely not. He held up her blazer and bag. "I thought you might. Let me walk you out."

"Okay," she mumbled. She might have (almost) forgiven him but he'd better not think he was coming home with her. 

Not that she had any reason to think he might.

They stepped outside. To her surprise it was still light and it hurt her eyes after spending so long in the poorly lit pub. Then again, it was only half eight or thereabouts.

"I'll get you down to the taxi rank," he spoke again. "You live in the West end, right?" She nodded mutely, stumbling slightly and he grabbed her, perfect eyebrows knitting together as he took in her pale face. "Oh Christ, wait… You've not eaten anything have you? Come on." He steered her into a nearby chippy.

"What's your go-to chippy meal?" He asked. She shrugged, the thought of food was not appealing directly after being sick, although she was aware her stomach was churning on empty. " Okay, how about chips and cheese? That's mine."

She looked at Aaron in shocked silence as he ordered them both a portion of what was also her go-to meal (of course it was!) and led her back outside to a nearby doorstep. "They won't let you eat them in the cab and I want to make sure you eat something," he said, stroking her arm lightly.

When had he turned into her fucking care-giver? 24 hours ago he'd felt like her mortal enemy and now he was treating her like she was the most precious thing on the planet. "I'd take such good care of you," he had said to her six months ago, way before their fledgling will-they-won't-they had flipped so shockingly tits up, and here he was proving his words. She found himself virtually inhaling the chips and cheese after the first tentative few bites.

She glanced over at Aaron. He was sitting beside her, gazing into space and he hadn't even opened his tub. "Aren't you eating?" She asked.

"I only live a couple of minutes walk away, I'm not going back to the pub so I'll eat when I'm home," he replied with a shrug. 

She thought longingly how much she wished she was going home with him right now, then tried to shake her head to clear that traitorous thought. 

"Why aren't you going back?"

"I'm knackered," he said simply. "To be honest I only came out in the first place because Josh guilted me into it… and I was hoping I'd be able to speak to you and try and convince you I'm not a complete arsehole."

She closed her almost empty tub. "I don't think you're an arsehole," she said softly. "You've succeeded."

"Thank God." His serious face broke into a broad smile, that sole dimple winking at her and his dark eyes lighting up behind his glasses  as he stood up and held out a hand to pull her to her feet. It had been a long long time since she'd seen him smile like that at her and she didn't realise how much she'd been craving it until it happened."Come on, let's get you to a taxi." 

They reached the taxi rank, which had one lone taxi sitting waiting, as if meant for her.

He looked at her, his brown gaze intense. "Are we good?" He asked softly. "Friends?"

She nodded, relieved but also wilting inside… was that disappointment she felt? "Yes," she choked out.

He opened the taxi door without losing eye contact with her. "I'm glad we've sorted stuff." He hesitated and leaned forward. She almost choked on the breath she accidentally inhaled too early as he kissed her on the cheek. His lips were soft and warm and caused memories to come flooding back. "Be safe, okay?" He almost whispered, waiting until she reluctantly climbed in to close the door. 

She told the driver her address and watched Aaron's figure recede into the background as the car pulled away, closing her eyes finally once they turned a corner and he vanished completely from view.

"Why am I so upset?" She murmured to herself. She should be happy that finally everything was resolved with Aaron, that she knew the truth now, but if anything she felt more on edge and deep down… well, if she was honest with herself it was probably because he'd kissed her on the cheek.

And she had wanted more.

Paying the driver, she stumbled into the quiet flat and headed straight for her room. Make-up removal and teeth brushing would not be happening today, she was just longing for her bed. Discarding her cute outfit, she wriggled into an oversized t-shirt and slipped delightedly under the covers. She fumbled in her bag for her phone, a necessary social media check before she gave into sleep.

She hadn't checked it since she'd posted that status update announcing her inebriated state; that seemed like days ago now. There were about 20 "likes" on it and the most recent was Aaron, just a few minutes before.

Charlie wondered what he was doing right now. Was he thinking about her? Probably not, she shrugged that thought away. 

In that moment back on that random doorstep, she had wanted so much for him to ask her to come back to his. In her weakened state, she realised, she probably would have. It wasn't even because she wanted to jump his bones (although she did); she actually simply longed to just chill out with him, do the relationship type stuff she'd always imagined he'd be great at during their flirting period. Curl up beside him, watch him watch the tv until he caught her looking, and pushed her down on the couch and . . . She shook her head vigorously to dispel the thought. 

She found herself private messaging him, despite herself. Thanks for making sure I got home in one piece, I really appreciate it.

A response pinged back almost immediately. No problem. I'm glad you're home safe. Btw, I popped a can of coke in your bag in the pub. It always helps me with the inevitable hangover.

Sweet beyond belief. She dug into her handbag again and found the unbelievably cool can of juice, pressing it against her already sore head for a moment before she cracked it open and took a couple of massive gulps.

Thank you so much! I didn't realise how much I needed that. 

You're welcome Charlie. Thanks for hearing me out tonight.  I'm glad we've cleared the air. Sweet dreams. Xx

Likewise. Night Aaron. X

Feeling a bit deflated once again, she put the phone down and drifted off into an uneasy sleep.

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