Chapter 24

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That weekend, Charlie and Thea decided they would climb a hill. This was something that had been on Charlie's mind for a while, ever since she'd heard Aaron talking about it. The more she thought about it the more she couldn't believe she had lived in Scotland her whole life and never tried to climb one.

"What, like Ben Lomond?" Thea looked dubious when Charlie suggested it. Much like Charlie, she'd also never really been one for nature. 

"I was thinking a smaller one to start us off, I don't want to kill us," Charlie laughed. "This one seems pretty popular." She brought up a walking page on her phone and passed it over to Thea.

"Ben A'an," Thea read aloud. "It's not a Munro is it?" She asked cautiously.

"Nah, it's nowhere near high enough," Charlie said airily. "I've seen it described as a 'mountain in miniature' so I'm seeing it as a good starter hill for us."

"Are you pretending you know what you're talking about again?" Thea sniggered but nodded. "Okay, let's do it. I'll see if my mum will lend me her car so we can actually get there."

"Good idea," Charlie didn't want to admit she had forgotten about that part. 

So on Saturday morning, they drove up to the Trossachs and looked with trepidation up at the hill across the road from the already busy car park.

"What do you think?" Thea asked. "Are you ready for this?"

"Yep definitely!" Charlie replied with confidence. "This is our new life, T. We'll be bouncing up hills every weekend from now on, it'll be amazing!"

Less than minutes later she was already out of breath and starting to sweat. She hadn't been anticipating the very first stretch of the walk which was steep from the outset. "I think I want to go back to the car," she gasped out, moving to the side of the path to let a family pass by and doubling over.

"Oh come on, it's not that bad," Thea laughed. She was a bit out of breath herself but she actually did occasionally use her gym membership so was coping better with the walk. "I actually think that's the worst bit out of the way. Maybe," she added doubtfully, starting to move again 

"I can't believe people actually do this for fun." Charlie shook her head as she hurried to catch up with her friend. "They must be crazy."

"Okay, maybe this is why," she said 45 minutes or so later as they looked down at the spectacular view from the top. "It's pretty stunning, isn't it?"

"Amazing," Thea agreed. "Is it picnic time now?"

They spread out the blanket they'd brought up and pulled out cans of Coke and some Marks & Spencers snacks. The sun had appeared toward the end of their walk and was beating down on them. Charlie was relieved it had waited until now when she could relax and enjoy it. 

"So how are things with Dave?" She asked, sliding her sunglasses on and glancing over at her friend. 

Thea shrugged. "Nonexistent," she replied glumly. "We're still giving each other space. I'm not sure whether we should go back to seeing each other every day. It's too hard."

"Could you . . . Maybe talk to Craig?" Charlie queried tentatively. She shook her head immediately. "Sorry, that might be the stupidest thing I've ever said."

"Can you imagine? 'So Craig, I know we just broke up but I'm in love with your best friend - can we have your blessing?'" Thea snorted and knocked back half her can of juice in one go. 

"It's just such a shame," Charlie said softly as she tore the wrapping on a pack of mini sausage rolls. "The more I've thought about you two together, the more I've realised you would just be the perfect couple. I wish there was a way."

"Me too, mate, me too. But hey what can you do?" Thea stuffed two sausage rolls in her mouth at the same time, signalling an end to the subject of conversation. When she finally swallowed she reached her hand out to Charlie. "Give me your phone, let me take a photo of you standing by the summit with that view behind you." Charlie hesitated. "Come on, you know you want to put that shit on Facebook so you-know- who sees it!"

Charlie felt herself flushing red. "You see right through me, don't you?" She jumped obediently to her feet. "Do I look presentable enough?"

"You'll do.  Although maybe we'll take the photo from behind," Thea joked, earning a glare from Charlie.

When Charlie sat back down, she had an idea. "You know what I think we need? A holiday abroad."

"You know, you're not wrong there," Thea nodded in agreement. "I finish up next week for the summer, we could see if we could get a last minute deal in Greece or something. Would you be able to get the time off?"

"I think so. I've not used any leave yet and we're pretty quiet for the next few weeks." Charlie felt a little bubble of happiness growing in her chest. "Let's have a look when we're back home."

She practically skipped back down the hill, feeling lighter than she had in a good long while. As they drove back to Glasgow she fiddled about with the photos Thea had taken of her, eventually logging into Facebook and posting one of her facing away from the camera and admiring the view over the lochs below. "First time up Ben A'an. So unfit I thought I might not make it to the top but it was worth the effort!" she captioned it. 

"Good choice, your arse looked amazing in that pic," Thea laughed, nudging her as they stopped at a traffic light and Charlie flashed her phone screen at her.

As the notifications started to appear, it was of course only one which stood out to her.

"Has he liked it yet?"
Charlie nodded, biting her lip. 

"Less than five minutes since you posted it. Are you sure he's not still interested in you?"

"He just likes hills," Charlie insisted, although she couldn't stop staring at Aaron's name in the list of likes. Couldn't help wondering if it meant something. 

And this, she thought, putting her phone away decisively, was exactly why she needed a holiday!

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