Chapter 29

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There was a smaller bar on the other side of the boat where some of the older members of staff had de-camped to so, keen to be undetected Charlie slipped in there to use her final two drink tokens on two plastic tumblers of wine. She then walked the length of the boat and found a small outdoors area where she could sit and stew in her own misery.

She had mostly worked her way through the first cup of vino when her phone beeped. Thea.

Where are you? You'd better not have jumped in the Clyde.

She snorted at that. Typical Thea. She tapped out a response.

Contemplating it but reckon it might be too cold. Just having a wee moment alone. Back in a couple of mins.

She would go back. Put on a brave face. Try to forget the thing she had wanted to happen for the best part of a year, that had finally seemed likely to happen, had been yanked away from her. And, once again, she could only blame herself.


She recognised that Hey.

Her insides fizzled.

He sat down beside her.

"Are you okay?" Aaron asked softly.

"You're leaving?" Was all she could say as she looked over at him.

He sighed. "I wanted you to hear that from me."

Any small hope she'd harboured that she'd somehow misheard Sasha flickered and died.

"But . . . Why?" She asked. He looked away.

"Look, it's for a better job, better money, more chance of promotion from within...." He trailed off. "Fuck it. That was my practiced answer and the reason I gave for my resignation and for the most part it's true... but the other reason I'm leaving is you."

She stared at his profile wordlessly. She had no idea what to say. But she didn't have to say anything because after a brief hesitation, more words came tumbling out his mouth like he couldn't control them anymore.

"I like you, I've liked you from day 1, and I fucked things up with us and I wish I could take that back but I can't. And I know you've been seeing someone, which has been driving me crazy as I felt like I couldn't say anything without looking like I was that guy who only likes girls when they're taken. You know, like the very guy you thought I was and that I was trying so hard to disprove." He shrugged, taking a deep breath.

"And I just thought . . . I need to move on. I figured I'm struggling with it because I'm around you so much so . . . Best take myself out of the equation." Another sigh. "But then you came here tonight and it felt like . . . Well, I know this sounds crazy, but I felt like there definitely was still something there, and like something might actually finally happen between us, and I'm wondering now if I've managed to mess things up even more."

He stood up and stalked over to the barrier, staring out at the river. She moved over to join him. Desperate to be near him. Blown away by his blistering honesty.

"I can understand your reasoning," she said quietly. "But couldn't you have just got another job in Glasgow? Why the move to another city?"

He stilled. "What?" He asked softly, his eyes dark and troubled as he turned to face her.

"Why move all the way to Aberdeen?" She repeated. "You should stay in Glasgow." She swallowed. "You should stay with me," she added, stepping closer, summoning all her bravery. He'd put himself out there; she needed to do the same.

"But . . . Aren't you seeing someone?" he protested.

"What if I wasn't?" She asked, testing him a little. "What if I turned around right now and said to you I was single? What would you do?"

A half smile tugged at the edges of his lips. "What wouldn't I do?" he said huskily. "But let's start with . . . I'd ask you out. No, I'd kiss you first, then ask you out. Not that it matters obviously." He looked down and cleared his throat, then looked back into her eyes, his gaze intense. He was so close she could see the lightest sprinkling of freckles across the bridge of his nose, presumably brought out by the sun. She'd never noticed them before. "And you?"

"Me?" She stalled, not sure what he was asking.

"If you were single, and I said I wasn't moving to Aberdeen, what would you do?" He queried. His eyes were on her lips now. Butterflies were turning somersaults inside her tummy.

"Definitely let you kiss me," she whispered. "And hope I don't fuck things up completely myself again."

"Charlie," Aaron's voice was low. "I'm not moving to Aberdeen." His breath was touching her face now. Her heart was pounding so violently she was sure he must be able to hear it.

"And I'm not seeing anyone," she said simply.

He paused, his eyes searching her face. Then a full blown smile lit up his own face. "Thank fuck for that."

And with that he kissed her. She melted into him, her legs weak, her whole body giving in. This was what she'd wanted for so long and it was every bit as good as she had remembered. Except this time she knew it definitely meant something.

"But wait . . ." She pulled back. "I heard Sasha say you were moving to Aberdeen. Was she lying?"

He laughed. "I think you misheard her, I'm definitely staying in Glasgow. The company I'm moving to is called Abbey Dean. Which I've only just realised sounds very like Aberdeen." He leaned over to kiss her again. This time they only stopped when they realised they were actually receiving a round of applause.

Breaking apart they saw Thea leading the clapping, with Belinda, Shelia, Josh and Kayla providing back-up. "It's about bloody time," Belinda whooped. "I've been their biggest champion you know," she told anyone who would listen.

Kayla came up and gave her a hug. "You might regret this when you have to come to the first family gathering," she said warmly. "But he's liked you for so bloody long, I'm so happy you've both seen sense. Finally."

Thea whispered in her ear. "I sent him out here looking for you. You're welcome."

"Now you've got the girl is there any chance I can convince you to stay?" Josh called over to Aaron.

He shook his head, smiling over at Charlie, his face unguarded. "I think it's for the best that I still leave, don't think I could cope with the distraction." She basked in the warmth of his gaze.

This was exactly what she'd been waiting for.

A movement caught her eye and she saw Sasha shaking her head and storming off. She couldn't help a smug smile.

Looks like the best wet wipe won, she thought triumphantly.

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