Chapter 22

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"Is everything okay?" Jake looked nervous when he opened his door a short time later. "Are you okay?" He added as he clocked the expression on his face. "Let me get you a drink."

Charlie didn't  know why she had decided going over to Jake's was a good idea.  She had just known she had to be as far away from her so-called best friend as possible right now and, even on her walk over, she had no idea what she planned to say or do. And she still didn't. 

Tell the truth and lose him? Lie and potentially still lose him anyway? Spontaneously combust from stress? The latter option seemed most viable right now. 

Jake handed her a glass of wine and touched her shoulder lightly. "Sit down," he instructed her, smiling tentatively. "Talk to me."

Charlie sipped her wine, a stalling tactic to allow herself time to think. Time to call on her improvisational skills once again. "I - uh - spoke to Paul," she blurted.  "After you left. He said it was obvious something was going on between us, and he wants me to end things with you."

It was probably for the best, she thought. Clean break, no loose ends. But, much to her surprise, Jake didn't look happy.

"Charlie, I don't want to lose you," he said quietly. Apparently sincerely. "I've had such a great time with you these last couple of weeks and I really like you. I know whatever is happening here hasn't maybe started under the best of circumstances but I actually want to see where it goes . . ."

"Paul and I broke up," Charlie interrupted. "I said I didn't think we could go ahead with the wedding - with a future together - if I was interested in someone else." She waited with bated breath for his response. Still expecting him to instantly back off, full of excuses as to why it suddenly couldn't work out. 

"You're kidding!" He exclaimed. "That's great news!" He pulled her to her feet and kissed her. "Oh god, I thought you were about to end things with me there."

Wow. This had went far better than Charlie expected. Deep down she had thought that Jake would definitely lose interest if he thought she was single but it seemed he really liked her after all. 

Suddenly she saw she could be part of a couple, a proper couple, with Jake. Not having to lie or sneak around. She would have an actual boyfriend, who cared about her, looked after her, made her laugh, comforted her when she cried . . . Really it was all she had ever wanted. 

She should be over-the-moon, shouldn't she?

Except she wasn't.

Because, when push came to shove, Jake wasn't the guy she wanted to be with. And suddenly she realised she didn't want a boyfriend just for the sake of it after all. 

She was actually fine by herself.

"Actually," she pulled herself gently out of his arms, almost not believing what she was going to do, but knowing it was the right thing. "Jake, I'm really sorry but I don't think we should keep seeing each other either."

Jake's mouth dropped open. "You're kidding! "Seriously?"

She nodded sadly. "Look, I think I need to be by myself right now. I'm starting to realise that this is what I need to do. And the way things started with us is never going to really sit right with me, if I'm perfectly honest. I think it would ultimately just eat away at me."

"Okay," he nodded, downcast. "I understand. For the record though," he added sincerely. "I really did like being around you. I was in a bit of a bad place the night I ran into you and you really brightened up the last few weeks for me."

Something in Charlie's brain clicked into place and she glanced over at him astutely. "Louisa? Your ex? I don't think you're over her, are you?"

He hesitated and then laughed resignedly as he shook his head. "You're pretty smart, aren't you?"

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