Doing What They Couldn't

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Yep I'm a 6 year old girl walking in a mall with no parents alone and no one cares. 

"Humanity is unredeemable" I mumble under my breath 

I sit down on a bench in the middle of the mall watching everyone go past me. I don't have any money I just come here to hang out and see what I could get if I had money.

Suddenly I hear an explosion go off. I turn around to see a store blew up. 

Suddenly one after another more bombs go off every where. I quickly get under the bench for protection as everyone scrambles to get out. After the bombs stop and I know I wont be trampled I get up from under the bench. there is fire, rubble and smoke every where. 

I turn to go to the exit but I suddenly hear someone screaming for help. 

'Ok is a 6 year old really going to have to deal with this?!' I think to myself annoyed. 

A screen pops up in front of me and I use Wardrobe and change my outfit. 

(This is your outfit the glowing thing is a light) 

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(This is your outfit the glowing thing is a light) 

I start heading toward the yelling and I find a women stuck underneath a giant pillar.

"Li-little girl what are you doing here?! get out?! are you hurt?! get help?!" the women yelled at me in worry. 

'Oh so now you people care?!' I think to myself annoyed. 

I take my screen out and edit the pillar so it is no longer on top the women but is back in place. Then I put the women in my storage so when I get out I can take her out. 

I look around for anyone else and I find a little kid and a teen surrounded by fire crying.   

I walk over to them I take out my screen and I delete the fire and Put the 2 in my storage. 

I start to cough from the amount of smoke I have consumed. 

I start to make my way to the exit slowly editing and deleting thing on my way. once I make it out of the building I see 2 pro hero's 'Eraserhead' 'Hawks' I roll my eyes. 

'Now they show up?' I think 

"Hey kid are you ok?! what were you doing still in there?!" Hawks says coming up to me. 

I just glare at him not responding taking my screen out and taking the 3 I put in there out. 

Hawks looks at them then me in surprise. 

I then turn back around to the mall and I start editing. everyone is looking at me in surprise and confusion. but I don't care I just hope I get some battery's out of this.  

once I complete with the editing everyone watches as the mall transforms to its former glory. 

I put my screen away and start walking inside the mall while everyone is stunned in shock. 

'Ya guys a 6!! 6 years old!!! just did that!!!' I thought to myself. 

I go to a near by Tec store and I grab a pack of battery's specifically double a battery's since they are my favorite. I open the pack and start eating them like there just a bag of chips. 

I head out of the mall and see interviewers surrounding the Pro hero's.

'Ah yes because they did something they always do something' I think sarcastically rolling my eyes as I continued to eat my battery's.

I start to walk off not caring about all this until I hear a voice. 

"Hey Kid how did you do that?!" I knew it was Aizawa who spoke.

I turn around still eating the battery's looking up at the man. 

"You shouldn't be eating those!!!" He yells as he tried to take them from me. but I quickly finish them and I drop the box on the ground. 

He looked at me like I'm crazy but also with worry and curiosity. 

I shrug my shoulders and turn back around starting to walk away. 

"Oh no your not leaving, you just ate Battery's!! and did what every you did!! you are coming with me to recovery girl!" He says as he picks me up and holds me in his arms. 

'ok first off, NOW PEOPLE CARE I EAT BATTERY'S!!!! second I'm really just being kidnapped right now... totally normal..... well... its not normal for a 6 year old to do what I just did soo.....' I think to myself. 

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