After Math Break

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After the attack we were given the next 2 days off from school. I used that time to work on inventions and upgrading my hero suit along with making tools to help.

But I did take the first day to visit Aizawa to check on him. He is my teacher after all and even if he doesn't realize it yet we do have a past. I was no monster I did care just didn't really show it that much. Also Aizawa reminded me of a mummy when I saw him it fit since they are always sleeping, and when they are awake thefe grumpy and mad.

I also spent my time gaining information on the Nomu. I learned that it was actually human made to handle multiple quirks.

I also added new files of the 2 villains from the attack. I took the information from the profile that popped up and put them in. I tried to train with that quirk but it was more difficult since I normally do training alone, but now I had to go around and try it on people.

Now I was currently doing some work in my company in my older form. I had fallen a little behind since to whole school and attack thing happened.

If I'm being honest due to all the work and things I have had to do I also fell behind on sleeping/charging. I am planning on trying to finish my work by 5 and have a few battery's then charge for the rest of the night til I had to get up to get to school.

Also you may be wondering where or what do I do when I am charging? Am I dreaming like when people sleep? No, do I just not dream and it's almost like I skip the night? No, but with what I do during that time is a story for later on. But to put it simply I am always working.

Also just so you know I don't need to eat normal human food. I just choose to since battery's don't exactly give you any weight, so if I didn't I would be like a stick. Yes I have muscles but even with that I would still look like a stick. So I eat enough to give me a good amount of weight.

I finally finished my work so now I am heading to the kitchen of my level. Truth be told I have a level in this building made for me to live in, so yes I live at work in a sense. I grab some battery's from a cabinet and start eating the few that are in the bag. Once I finish I head to my room and go to my charging station. I plug myself in my body shutting off going into charging mode.

Nice way to end the break in my opinion.

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