Cavalry Battle Sports Festival

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The next event was a Cavalry Battle, The rules were explained and they were simple we just couldn't basically try to kill people makes sense. Then came the pointing, the person in last had 5 points and it went up by 5 each time with the exception of first place who got 10 million points.

When that was mention everyone basically glared at Midoriya. 

'Poor Midoriya, but I'm glad I let him be first and not me I don't want all the attention on me.' I thought.

This event was also a team game with four people in each team and the person with the headbands would be carried by the others, if are headband is taken or we crumble from horse configuration we were fine. 

Now since I got second place I had 205 points. Now remember how I didn't want all the attention on me? well, all attention was on me since no one wanted to team with Midoriya since no one wanted to be targeted and I was the next person with the most points. All I could hear was..

"Be on my team!!"

"No! be on mine!!"

"You will win if you are on mine!!"

And so on with things like that until I heard a voice I could not mistake.

"Get out of the way EXTRAS!! There on my TEAM!!" Bakugou yelled.

Then another voice.

"Actually I would like them to be on my team." Todoroki's monotone voice spoke.

Then another..

"I- I was wondering if they could be on mine..." Midoriya's voice stuttered out. 

This was giving me a headache, and I couldn't do anything because I don't talk, great the one moment it would help to talk.

I suddenly felt a tap on my shoulder, turning around I saw Shinsou.

"Hey, would you like to be on my team?" He spoke in his tired voice. 

He was much quitter then everyone else around and I did want to help him, we were also friends. So putting that in consideration I nodded my head, he smiled and grabbed my hand helping my get out of the crowd. 

"Hey!! Where you going EXTRA there on my team!!" Bakugou's voice rang out. 

Turning around we could see peoples eyes on us but most noticeable was Bakugou, Todoroki, and Midoriya.

"Actually they agreed to be on my team." Shinsou spoke before turning around and continuing to walk away with his hand still holding mine. 

When I looked over I swear I could see the three boys getting more angry seeing that, Cause I was on his team? I have no clue. 

When we finally got away we came up too two other boys one I knew the other I didn't, One was Ojiro the guy with a tail in my class, the other one I had no idea who he was but I think he was from class 1B. They both looking dead in the eyes they didn't even speak when we approached. Looking over to Shinsou I gave him a look that basically said 'Explain'. 

"There brainwashed." He stated simply. 

'Whatever I did tell him to show what he is made of.' I thought. 

As we decided what we would be doing I used my phone to communicate as I had it in my inventory so I still had it with me. We decided that he will be on top as the other two were brainwashed and I was better on the ground, and it helped so he can focused on controlling the other two. I told him I have a way for us to get first but we couldn't go for the 10 million and just before the event ends I would use my quirk, I didn't specify but he trusted me and agreed. 

I also did a scan on the 1B kid to figure out his quirk and what we were working with so I found out his name is Shoda. 


Once the Event was going to start we got in position as did the other teams. 

We were soon quickly let go and started, we went for smaller teams with lower points that had less focus on them. I heard explosions and looked up to see Bakugou flying through the air yelling trying to get to Midoriya but failing.

'Dude he isn't even with his team, how is that not cheating?' 

During the entire event things were ciaos, yelling, fighting, quirks going wild, and a flying Bakugou on a leash of tape. 

'It should be when Bakugou fly's not when pig fly's at this point.'

Our team was doing well sticking with the plan and everything stayed like this, until the point it came to the end and my plan went into action. I have been paying attention to the announcers when they talked about the 10 million points. From what I last heard Todoroki had the 10 million, but the time was running out fast and Midoriya's team was trying to get the 10 million back. 

I gave a Tap to  Shinsou's leg signaling it was time for me to do my plan, so he quickly got us into a more empty area. 

I closed my eyes keeping focused on my task working as fast as I could.  


I was working as fast as possible.


my plan needed to work.





Almost done






They announced the end, and everyone put the person being carried down, and Shinsou stopped controlling the other two.

Then they started announcing the winners...

"In first place is team To-.. wait, what? In fist place with 10 million points is team Shinsou?!" 

Hearing that you could hear a lot of 'gasps' and 'What's?!'. Everyone was now looking at our team some with surprise some in anger. Shinsou looked at me with probably the biggest smile I've ever seen. 

"h-how?!" He asked. 

Looking around I studied peoples expressions. 

Midoriya looked shocked, upset, and confused.

Bakugou looked angry, and confused.

Todoroki looked Shocked, upset, and Angry. 

Shinsou looked, happy, and shocked. 

By now everyone was looking at me figuring out it had to do with me. 

I held my normal blank face no emotion being shown, I knew everyone wanted an answer but what do they expect from someone who is 'mute'. Even if they replayed footage they would have trouble figuring it out. So what did I do? You guessed it..

I shrugged my shoulders and walked off into the halls of the stadium. 

Now what did I do?

Well I can edit, people, buildings, animals, and things, I can edit anything to how I like. So I I edited my teams head bands and Todoroki's teams headbands making ours the ten million and there's our score, so basically I swapped our scores by editing them. Don't worry he didn't lose just didn't get first, so going off everyone's scores he got 3rd place so not too bad and he is still in the competition. 

I already know people will question what I did though and some people may be very mad with me after that.

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