Problem's Grow

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As I came out of a Tv in my home I fell to the floor twitching like crazy. My arms hurt like they were being burnt, my eyes aching and burning like I haven't blinked in a long time. Looking up I saw my living room like it always was. I slowly picked myself off the ground and walked around the corner to a hall and as I walked down the hall something caught my eye. 

My reflection... 

Looking over I saw what confirmed something was wrong. 

My eyes were not there normal e/c color they were red and glowing like when I got angry at the sports festival. My skin around my face and mainly eyes looked slightly cracked like a mirror. Looking down at my hand they had the same thing looking cracked but they had a slight glow of red like my eyes but this being more faint. My body twitched like a robot or glitchy NPC in a game. 

Now that I thought about it my head hurt and... my memory of the meeting was blurry. The only thing I could remember was going and him mentioning the Mall incident and me confirming it. Everything else is blurry like it never happened. I could barreleye remember how I got here just that I came out of the TV. 

Something isn't right, and I'm not sure if it's all to good. 

Looking back up at the mirror my eyes were back to there normal e/c color. The cracks that were once on my face now gone. Looking down at my hand the crack were gone and so was the glowing. I no longer was twitching and I no longer felt any pain. 

'This...This isn't right. something is wrong... VERY wrong.' I thought. 

I quickly turned into my older form as I ran to the elevator that would lead to my business. Getting in the elevator I clicked the floor that had the lab as the doors closed. 

Once the doors opened again I quickly made my way to the part of the lab where I had people doing test on my quirk for info with my blood. Arriving quickly I saw one of the people I hired. It was a young women around 24 years old with long dark drown hair, and green eyes. Her quirk being projections. 

I tapped her on the shoulder and she turned looking at me. 

"Oh hello Miss Y/l, are you here to see progress in the quirk info?" She asked. 

I nodded my head as I stood straight trying to not seem in a rush. 

She smiled at me and spoke, "Then come on we have some thing to talk about." 

With that she started to walk away as I followed. We were in more of the back of the entire lab this area being reserved for this research and anything else I asked. As we walked she began to speak. 

"From what we have the quirk grows at a progressive rate. We are not sure how long it grown for or when it will stop, but we know that containing such a quirk is difficult. We presume if someone had this quirk and another they would not survive past the age of 12 due to the power being to overwhelming. The quirk needs room to grow and when there is a second quirk there is not enough room to it would kill a person." She explained. 

'As mush as that is interesting I need more useful info.' I thought.

"Now if a person has only this quirk we are not sure if it will kill. What we have gathered is there is a chance it all depending on the user of the quirk." 

We continued to walk as she explained. Soon we had arrived at the little part of the lab. She walked over to two tubes with different colors one red and one blue with a little white. She put on gloved and a mask and picked both of them up. 

She raised the red one as she spoke. 

"We figured out a person is more likely to die when the quirk shows off a red form Vs a blue form." 

'that's not good, I need more info' I thought as I waved my hand for her to continue. 

"Well when the quirk is shown as red it means something is blocking the quirk from having proper growth, and from further inspection is seems to be something negative that has enough impact to block the quirk from growing. But the quirk doesn't stop and will continue to grow, but since it is blocked it will kill the user unless the block is released." She explained. 

'So there is a negative block and it's what hurting me?' I thought.

"But." She started as she now raised up the blue on lowering the red. 

"When the quirk is not blocked from anything it will show off as blue and possibly a slight white. We are not sure how far it will grow, but we suspect it is either infinite or continues to grow until the user gets block and dies to the quirk. But that is not 100% proven yet." She explained now putting the two bottles down. 

I let out a Sigh 'Great so I will probably die to my own quirk.. and who knows what this whole red thing is capable of, it made me forget what happened at the meeting.' I thought    

I nodded my head as a 'thank you' and made my way out. Once in the elevator I went to the floor of my home. Once there I made my way to the Living room and transformed into my normal form and then sat on the couch. 

'So if I want to live and continue to grow I have to get rid of a negative block that is killing me... but what is the negative block?' I began to think, trying to find anything that could possibly be my negative block. 

Little did I know I wouldn't figure it out for a while, because my mind has block it a long time ago so I would not remember... 

But I hoped I would remember soon or I may just die sooner then I would like. 

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