Battle Vs Mina

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After my break down I stayed in the viewing room where the rest of my class was. When the next event was announced as One On One Fighting Tournament I got intrigued. They want us to show them what we got, things we couldn't show in other events. When they showed who we would fight it showed I would be fighting Mina. Looking over at her she seemed excited but had some hidden nervousness in her eyes. 

I pulled up her profile in my mind reading information I would need on her.  

She has an acid quirk, from what I have seen she is very agile and can also break dance which can help well in fights

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She has an acid quirk, from what I have seen she is very agile and can also break dance which can help well in fights. But the more she uses her quirk the less her skin becomes resistant to the corrosiveness of the acid. She has minimal combat abilities, But makes up for it for her reaction time. 

This is one good thing around this new part of my quirk I can get all the information on someone by simply looking at them or knowing there name. 

As I wait for our battle I take note of peoples fighting style and quirk as they go. 

First battle was Shinsou and Midoriya. Ojiro apparently warned Midoriya of Shinsou's quirk, but Shinsou still got him to speak and take control of him. Sadly Midoriya broke out of his control and beat him, I could see the defeat in his eyes from where I sat. He looked up to where I was and I simply nodded and stood making my way out to him. 

When I got to him he was upset saying he failed that He couldn't win. He was rambling so I placed my hand on his shoulder to get his attention. Once he stopped and looked up at me I took out my phone that I kept in my storage. 

"You didn't fail, I told you to show them what you got not win. You did that and did your best that's all that was needed. Wining does not matter, losing is just a lesson, winning shows you are learning and have learned from your mistakes. If you don't learn you don't win, You are simply learning my friend. and looks like you have done well enough in showing your power." I had my phone speak for me. 

At the end he looked at me confused then looked behind him to see Aizawa looking at him from the corner of his eye as he walked in the halls. Shinsou looked back at me and gave a small smile and I nodded before heading off back to the viewing room. 

The next fight was Todoroki and Sero. Shoto won in the end with a giant ice berg as would describe it. everyone was cold from the cold air produced from the ice. after Todoroki got rid of the ice and they fixed up the arena of any damage. 

Next was Denki and a plant girl that after scanning her I learned was named Shiozaki. Let me say it was entertaining seeing Denki go flying from her quirk. 

After each round they fixed the arena if there was any damage sustained. 

Finally is was Ida and a girl who after scanning I learned was named Hatsume. Ida won that fight in the end. 

Now is was mine and Mina's turn to fight.


"Next fight is a pink skinned acid girl, Mina Ashido from class 1A!!" I could hear Midnight announce as I waited in the tunnel to exit.  

"Against her is another Class 1A student, A Mute girl with a..... Powerful quirk.." She seemed to pause not really knowing what to call my quirk and I never told anyone what it was since I don't speak.  

I walked out of the tunnel and heard the cheers from the crowd, I could feel the eyes on me. 

"No hard feelings!!" Mina exclaimed to me. 

She got in a ready position as I did as well, bending my knees and move my back leg behind me but still close to me body getting me closer to the ground and my hands to my side hands open and ready to fight. 

Before the fight I heightened my hearing and agility, I also made my skin immune to acid, I know it's kind of cheating but it really isn't since it's a part of my quirk. I could just get rid of her quirk but I don't want to make this too quirk as I don't want to draw attention to me.  

Once we were told to go Mina used her acid to come at me in a quicker pace. But with my heighten agility I could easily dodge her attack moving to the side. She tried to attack e by moving at a faster rate and getting behind me but with my heighten hearing I could hear her behind me. I got closer to the ground before pushing off doing a backflip over her, as if in slow motion her eyes widen as I grab her arm she would have attacked me with and pulled her getting off the ground and going into the air. I landed on the ground and turned to see her coming down at me her body covered in acid. 

She was ready to hit me with her leg but I grabbed her leg before it could hit me. Her eyes widen seeing me unaffected by her acid. I quickly slammed her to the ground knocking the air out of her before spinning with her leg still in my hold, I soon let go and she went flying but before she could get out of bounds she caught herself on the ground. 

I could hear the cheers and gasps, most probably didn't see what mina did with the acid due to how fast we were moving. But mina saw and I could see the shock and confusion in her eyes and.... a hint of fear. 

She quickly got to her feet nd got in a fighting position. she seemed to be going on the defensive now.  

'I can work with that.' 

Getting lower to the ground I got into a Naruto run. I ran at her leaving dust behind me. 

Knowing her she will easily dodge my attacks and attack during it so if I wanted to beat her I had to fake her out, but right now she is to prepared I will have to go for a front attack and stick with it until she becomes focused on me in front of her then attack from the side.  

So that's what I did, I start punching, and her blocking getting us into a punching match. She tries to swipe at my head but I duck going for a grab on her legs but her jumping out of the way. Getting up she goes for a kick in the chest me quickly moving to the side. Grabbing her leg I swung her getting her off her feet and in the air. I let go and she did a flip landing in a crotch position. 

She jumps at me using her acid on her feet so make her go faster. I take this as my chance once she is about a foot away I put out my arm and one of my walls appear and I move it pushing her away out of bounds and to the ground. 

"Ashido is out of bounds, Y/n moves to the next round!!" They announce. 

When mina looks up she see's me holding a hand out for her, she looks in my eyes and smiled before grabbing my hand and I pull her to her feet.

"congratulations, I didn't know you were immune to acid!!" She exclaimed. 

I simply looked at her before going back in the tunnel I had entered from. Once I got in there I put my stats back to normal, and made my way to where the rest of the class was.

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