chapter 1

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Chapter 1:


I met my best friends when I was 16.  I was lost, as usual, because my new school was huge and nobody bothered to show me around.  Not that I minded, I was used to being alone.  Anyway, there I was, trying to find a place to eat my lunch, when I heard music.  It was the most interesting thing I had heard in a long time, so I decided to find out where it was coming from.  I followed it to the band room, where I found two boys side by side on a piano bench, arguing about octives and keys.

"Hey," I said "Which one of you was playing that song?" They both just turned around and stared at me, not saying anything. So I stared back.  Both the boys were tall and thin, though, one more so than the other.  They also both had light brown hair almost the exact same shade as mine.  One of the boys wore his long and straight, while the other styled his shorter with a slight wave.  "well," I continued, breaking the silence "whoever it was it was really good."  The tall, skinny boy, with long hair, suddenly realized that he haden't spoken.

"Oh, um, thanks," he said, running his hand through his hair. "I'm Josh, and this is Matt"  He nodded to his friend, who smiled bashfully "I apologize for us being socialy akward, we're kind of considered freaks around here."

"There's a group of us here? I thought it was just me, how come I never got the group invite?" I asked sarcasticaly.

"We're a very elite club" retorted Josh "Our initiation is finding us"

"I see, so have I passed initiation?"

"you haven't even told us your name yet!"

"Why would you need my name? Is it not enough to know that I'm a freak like you?"

"Ah, but if we don't know your name, how will we tell you about special group gatherings and whatnot?"

I liked talking to Josh. He was easier to talk to than most people, even though I'd only known him for all of two minutes. I smiled and returned the banter

"Oh, group gatherings? you don't just hang out in the band room?"

"On the contrary, sometimes we hold meetings in my basement.  Now, name. And if you don't tell me, i'm just gonna have to make one up.  I think i like the name Chris..."

I laughed "alright, alright.  My name is Riannah. And I have a question.  Does Matt ever talk? Or does he just sit there?"

"I only talk when I have something to say." Matt answered "What's the point in wasting words?"

"Ah, the wise guy" sighed Josh "Matt is an expert in philisophical bullshit."

"Philisophical bullshit at its finest though." He replied

I smiled. "You know what? you guys are alright."

"Thanks, your not so bad yourself.  Welcome to 'the club"  and just like that, we were friends.

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