Chapter 27

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I sighed and leaned back into the couch. As I moved, my ring caught the light and shimmered, catching my attention. It had been five months since Josh had proposed, and I still got little butterflies every time I looked at the delicate silver band.

The wedding was set for May, just before festival season started. After much arguing, it was finally agreed that Matt would be on Josh's side of the bridal party, which also consisted of Mike, Ian, and Brett. My side had Carrie, Nicole, Megan, and Kim. Matt ha agreed to give me away, because he was the closest thing I had to family. Everything was starting to fall into place.

I adjusted myself on the overstuffed sofa again, trying to make myself comfortable. Josh was trying to find an outfit for the Juno awards coming up in April. I had found my dress four stores back, but Josh was being extremely fussy, not liking anything he tried on.

"Can't you just pick one?" I asked.

"No, I want to look nice and match you, and that's proving to be a challenge." Josh replied. I rolled my eyes.

"Your worse than any girl I've ever shopped with."

"Shut up."

It was quiet for awhile.

"What is taking so long in there?" I called out to him.

"I'm trying not to get overly glittery." Came his response from behind the door. My eyebrows shot up.

"Come out and let me see this one."

Josh obeyed and came out, showing off the suit. It was a dark blue with black trim, and completely covered with blue sparkles that matched his hair. I stood up and went over to him, examining the suit more closely. It matched my dress perfectly, which was a blue ankle length strapless chiffon number.

I straightened out the jacket.

"I really like this one." I said, brushing glitter off my hands.

"Me too." Josh replied, smiling as he looked into the mirror. "Maybe I should wear this at the wedding." I groaned.

"Josh, we talked about this. Can you please just wear a normal black tux? For me?" Josh sighed.

"Fine, but only cause you said please." I grinned as I reached up on tip toes to kiss his cheek.

"Thank you hon, I love you." Josh rolled his eyes, but leaned down and pecked my lips quickly.

"Yeah, I know." He said quietly, smiling as he did so.

"So, is it this one?" I asked, bringing our attention back to the suit. Josh nodded.

"I think so." My face brightened.

"So we can go home?" He made a face.

"Soon." He promised. I sighed dramatically and flopped back on the couch. Josh ignored me, going to talk to the tailors.

The light was fading when we finally made our way back to Josh's place. I guess it would soon be mine too. I smiled to myself at the thought. Josh and I, and forever. 



I looked around my apartment, which was just in the beginning of downsizing mode. There were a few boxes here and there, a pile I had started for the thrift store, and an ever growing list of things to do on the whiteboard by the door. Although I was sad to be leaving my place, I was more excited for what lied ahead.

That was the last thought I had as I locked my door and headed downstairs, suitcase in hand. It was Juno weekend. I was excited to not only see Josh, (who had been on another tour for the past couple of weeks) but some other people I had gone on tour with like Jacob Hoggard, and the rest of the Hedley crew. I hadn't seen them in a couple years and was looking forward to saying hi.

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