Chapter 36

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I swung my legs back and forth as they dangled off the examination table and looked at the posters on the wall about healthy baby development.  Josh was standing next to me fiddling with his ring smiling nervously at me.  Doctors offices always made him rather fidgety.  I patted the empty space on the table beside me and motioned for him to sit down beside me, which he did.  He bit his lip and glanced around the room staying silent.  I reached over and grabbed his hand, giving it a squeeze.  Josh relaxed a bit and smiled his normal smile at me.

"Do you think everything's ok in there?"  He asked, lightly tapping my swollen belly.  

"I sure hope so."  I said. 

"What do you think it is?"  I gave him a questioning look.

"Well, I'm assuming a baby, but you know, if it's a dinosaur that's cool too."  I got a look and a poke in the sides from Josh.

"I meant boy or girl."

"I think it might be a boy."


"Yeah, I mean I don't know for sure, but I always picture a little boy in my head.  Never a girl."

"Do you want to find out?"  He asked.  I thought about it for a few minutes.

''No,''  I said finally.  ''I think I want to be surprised.''  Josh grined at this.

''Me too.''  He replied.

The doctor who had preformed the ultrasound walked in then.  She looked up from her clipboard and smiled at the both of us.

''Everything looks good in there.''  She told us.  ''The baby is growing at a perfectly normal pace and everything is developing properly.''

''That's  good.''  Said Josh looking relieved.  The doctor nodded.

''The sex is able to be determined.''  She informed us.  ''Would you like to know?"

Josh and I shook our heads in unison and the doctor nodded in acknowledgement before moving on. She discussed a few more details and recommended some courses we could take to prepare ourselves.

"Alright then,"  She said, finally wrapping things up.  "That's everything.  I'll see you in a few weeks."  

Josh and I said goodbye and left.  A light drizzle was falling upon us as we hurried to the car.  Well, we went as fast a woman who was six months pregnant could waddle.  Matt always liked to laugh at how I waddled and couldn't see my feet.  Josh, Mike, and Ian knew well enough to not jerk my chain, having been around pregnant females.  Matt just didn't seem to get it though.

 We made it to the car and began the slow drive home.  It was rush hour and we lived nearly half way across town.  As the car inched forward in the traffic, I looked out the window at the now steadily falling rain while Josh tapped out a rhythm on the steering wheel that kept time with both the windshield wipers and the music that was being blasted from the stereo.

Josh glanced at me as I turned the radio down before turning his eyes back to the road.  

"Have you thought about any names yet?"  I asked, filling the car with conversation.  Josh shrugged and shook his head.

"Not really,"  He replied.  "Have you?"  I nodded.

"I was thinking, if it was a boy, we could name him Myles, after your dad."  Josh smiled at this as he thought it over.

"Myles; I like that.  What about a middle name?"

"I haven't thought that far yet."  I admitted.

"Can I make a suggestion?"

"If you even joke about naming our child Cleatus, I swear, I will get out of this car right now and leave."  Josh laugh so hard he snorted.

"How about Caine?"  He offered, controlling his laughter.  

"Myles Caine Ramsay."  I said, seeing how it rolled off the tongue.  "Maybe, but it doesn't quite ring right."

"Yeah, you're right."  he agreed.  "How about...Clay?"

"Myles Clay Ramsay."  The name made me grin.  "I like that.  M.C.R."

"Our baby is named after My Chemical Romance?"  Josh asked jokingly.  I smacked him on the arm.

"We'll spell Clay with a K if it's going to be a problem."  Josh assured me it wouldn't be.

"What if it's a girl?"  He questioned.  "Then what will we call her?"  

I thought about it for a few minutes.  I hadn't really thought of any girl names, seeing as I thought we were having a boy.  Then it suddenly came to me.

"We could call her Nadene."  I said, loving the name already.

"Nadene?  You mean, after that nurse?"  I nodded.  A distant smile formed on his face as he remembered.

"Yeah,"  He said softly.  "I like that."

"Got any ideas for a middle name?"  I inquired.  Josh was silent as he thought.

"Sky?"  He suggested after a few minutes.

"Sky?"  I repeated warily.  "Are you sure?"  Josh nodded firmly.

"Yeah, I like it.  It sounds artsy or something.  I'd like to think that if we had a girl, she'd be an artist."

"Nadene Sky Ramsay."  I tested.  "That sounds nice."

"So we'll either have a Myles Clay, or a Nadene Sky."  He confirmed.  I nodded, sealing the deal.  I could hardly believe we had just named our child

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