Something Changed My World

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Kells POV
I was so pissed. He had everything I loved. I started to curse wildly and thrash around until I felt the boys grabbing me and holding me tight. "Kells, I know you're upset but you gotta calm down man!" Slim said "Kells you gotta stop, think about them. We're gonna get them back." Rookie said.
Jonathan POV
I started walking towards the woods until the guys started yelling for me to come back but I ignored them, I turned around to see Kells walking beside me. "We're getting our girls back." I said. "Hell yeah we are, let's go." Kells said in agreement.

Blair POV
I held Chrissy in my arms to try and calm her down "shh it's okay sweetie, don't be scared, mommy's got you. I assured her while hugging her tight. I heard the door unlock and Kiefer walked in and smiled at Chrissy. He walked over to us and grabbed her from my arms and threw her to the ground then started to drag me out of the room.

Kiefer POV
I started dragging Blair out the room and then I hear Chrissy cry so I turned to her and took out my gun and pointed it at her face. "Shut up you brat before I kill your mom!" I yelled at her.

Kabby POV
I saw tears streaming down my niece's face and I ran over to her, "please Chrissy stop crying so mommy won't get hurt." I said hugging her. I heard the door slam shut and wrapped my arms around cassie and Chrissy to comfort them.

Blair POV
Kiefer held me by my neck while I kept struggling. "Please Kiefer, just kill me and not my family." I cried then I heard a loud bang and everything went black.

Kells POV
I was walking with Jonathan and the boys when I heard a gunshot coming from an old abandoned house and saw a car pulled off. We ran into the house and heard screaming. The boys ran inside and searched for the source of the scream, I ran to the basement and saw Kabby and cassie and Chrissy crying. I hugged all three of them very tight.

Jonathan POV
I ran into the storm shelter and saw blair bleeding out from a gun shot wound to the stomach. "NO! C'mon baby stay with me, Please!!!" I grabbed a towel and rubbing alcohol to keep pressure on the wound while trying to give her CPR.

Rookie POV
We all ran into the room that Jonathan was in and saw Blair, as we crowded around I noticed a note on the wall. I picked it up and read it aloud "Well, well this is for Jonathan, and kabby this is your third warning." I was shocked and so were the boys.

Jonathan POV
I picked up Blair and we all ran out of the house to the nearest hospital where the paramedics took her on a stretcher and two nurses held me back while they took her and Kabby and Chrissy into the operating room. I started to fight back and tried to get them out of my way when the boys held me back and tried to calm me down.

Kells POV
I put Cassie in a chair and told her to go play with the other kids at the play area while I helped the guys calm down Johnathan, "C'mon man they're gonna be okay." I said calmly. He screamed in my face "They might die because of me K!" "No they won't J, be strong man." I told him. I turned around and saw a nurse behind me.

Nurse Mary POV
I walked to the gentleman in the lobby and saw they were having a little dispute. "Excuse me Mr.Baker?" I asked. "Yes?" He asked. "You're wife Kabby has one broken rib but Mr.White...I'm sorry but Blair didn't make it through surgery." I walked away.

Jonathan POV
When I heard the news, I dropped to my knees and started burying my hands in the face and started crying. "Excuse me Nurse, can we at least see her body?" Kells asked. The Nurse turned around. "Yes, you may. I'm sorry for your lost." She said and walked away. We walked to the operating room and I walked up to her and caressed her cheek. Out of nowhere she started screaming and I held her close.

Kells POV
I told Kabby about Blair and she started sobbing, I held her tight and let her tears fall out onto my shirt.

Jonathan POV
After holding Blair and calming her down she finally hugged me tight and asked me "Baby? Is Chrissy alright." "I don't know Blair." I said.

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