I Promise

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Kells POV
We walked into the SVU precinct and all eyes were on us. "I'm looking for a Olivia benson?" I asked. "That would be me." A voice said, I turned around and she shook my hand. "How can I help you?" She asked. "Well detective Benson, my wife has been kidnapped." I said. "Okay, well when was the last time you saw her?" She asked. "Last night, we were at Old Cutler Road to get our niece back from a her ex husband Kiefer Bryant." I said. The whole squad room went silent and I looked around, "I assume you guys have had history with him." I said. "Yes we have, Liv do you remember that domestic violence report from three years ago?" A man asked. "How could I forget Elliot? Kabby Ancar,21 at the time comes in with bruises and scars, tell us she was being abused and raped, her husband goes to court, gets found guilty and then before being in the cell, he tells her that he will be back and she better be ready." Olivia said looking at her partner. "The number one son of a bitch on our list." Sargent John Much said. "Well it looks like he's back to make sure she doesn't leave again and to let her know that she's still his." Detective Fin Tutuola said. "We're going to get her home safe and sound." Liv said. After that Jonathan took me to the warehouse he kept thinking about, while Blair and the boys made funeral arrangements for Chrissy. When we got there, we couldn't find a way to open the door so we went though a window. I told him to search upstairs while I searched downstairs, I looked down to see blood on the floor, "That's nasty as fuck." I mumbled and kept going.

Jonathan's POV
I kept looking through rooms when I heard sniffling coming from down the hall. I walked into the room and saw Kabby handcuffed to the bed with just her bra and panties on. I walked up to her and tapped her shoulder. "You have to leave!" He'll be back any minute now go!" She whispered. "I'm gonna get you out of here, I promise." I told her. I looked for the handcuff key when I heard his voice, "sweetie I'm here." He yelled. I quickly jumped out of the window and saw Kells behind the same tree I was. "She's in there man." I told him.

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