Chapter 55

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My Life As A Degrassi Tarot Reader

Chapter 55

Sardior was at Charlotte Hardy's class with his classmates.

"Hey, Sardior. I heard a rumor that Rick Murray wants to fight you after school. Is it true?" asked Paige.

"Yes Paige but I'm not going to fight that brute," said Sardior.

"What the story with Rick Murray anyway?" asked Stan.

"Rick Murray and I used to date as time goes by, Rick was physically abusive towards so I dumped him for good," said Terri.

"Oh wow. That's guy is an ass. So how did you get into this situation Sardior?" asked Stan.

"Rick asked me to do a tarot reading to get him and Terri back together even though Terri is dating my brother Chronepsis. He even pays me fifty dollars to do the reading. But I didn't take his money because I don't take money for men who abused women. I did the tarot reading and the result that it's didn't turn out very well for him. So I told the Principal about Rick abusing Terri and Prinicipal took further investigation which result in a week suspension and he has to get in anger management. Now Rick is pissed off at me because I told the Principal about him and he wants to fight me for revenge.

"Oh wow. That guy is crazy. If you want protection. I have your back." said Stan.

"Thank you Stan but I don't need protection. I'm just going to avoid the fight and if he spots me, maybe I can try to reason with him," said Sardior.

"Rick is very smart though. I hope you can reason with him," said Hazel.

"I hope so," said Sardior as Charlotte enter the classroom.

"Hello, class. Sorry if I was a little late. Today we're going to learn about the Stonewall Riots." said Charlotte as she teach the class about the Stonewall riots.

To Be Continued

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