Fifty-one | Alonzo

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My mother rushes past me in tears, making me wonder what is wrong. "Remy looks upset, I'm going to go and see if she is okay." Reagan says as she follows her.

"Alright." I respond and go into the social parlar. When I arrive everyone is looking at my father's body which is bleeding out on the couch. People gasp. Macavity and Evelyn walk in. "Go find Reagan." I order. "Bring her here, now." I order as I walk over to my father's body.

He is gasping for help. He can't say anything, he is just choking on his own blood because of a stab wound in his abdomen. I've wanted this for so long. To see him dying like this, suffering before he goes. I stare at him as the light leaves his eyes.

A weight that has been over my chest my entire life was just lifted. I can breathe without fear. No more having to worry about my mom's safety, or Reagan's—


"Reagan!" Evelyn shrieks in the distance.

Macavity and I are running towards it like it's a race for our lives— to me, it is. I can't live without Reagan.

Evelyn is standing, looking over the balcony down at the water. I race next to her to see a boat speeding away and Reagan's dress floating in the water. I immediately go to jump in after her but am stopped by both Macavity and Evelyn's hands holding me back.

"Let me go!" I shout.

"Stop!" Macavity booms. "You aren't going to do any good from down there."

I pull out the gun I stashed and uselessly shoot at the boat but nothing happens. "Where is she?!" I exclaim, looking at Evelyn with wide eyes. Every step I take towards her, she backs away. "You saw it. Where is my mom? Where is Reagan?!" My voice booms and echoes in the hallway.

"I-I— All I saw was your mom pushing Reagan before jumping herself." She stutters.

I hate stuttering. "W-why would she do that?! You're lying!" I spit.

"I'm not!" She shouts.

I advance again but Macavity takes my shoulder to hold me back. I push him off but he takes two hands to hold me back. "She says she's not lying." Macavity says loudly. "Evelyn, what did you see?" He asks calmly.

She looks from me to Macavity nervously.

"Evelyn." He presses.

She shakes her head for confidence before looking back to me. "I came over and saw Remy pushing Reagan over the edge. Remy jumped soon after. I ran up and saw her struggling with the dress. They pulled it off of her. Remy was telling all the men what to do." Evelyn explains. "And I'm not positive, but I think she was having an allergic reaction to something on the boat. They were panicking and Remy shouted something about her being allergic."

Sea food.

Why did I stay with my dead father for so long? If I just left and went for Reagan instead of sending Evelyn, maybe she'd still be here. I could have prevented that if I went with her.

"Capo." Marco comes running over along with Matteo. "Remy, it was Remy who stabbed Nico." He says breathlessly. "He began foaming at the mouth, she could have poisoned him too."

I guess my mother was pushed over the edge. Pushed her and Reagan over.

What could she be up to? She killed my father, what's her next move?

"I want boats, and helicopters out searching for that boat." I say as I walk.

Matteo, Marco, Macavity, and Evelyn all follow me into the grand hall. "What do we do with all these people?" Matteo asks.

I look around at the crowd that is waiting for an answer as they stare at me. "Well, they've all arrived to enjoy a night of eating and drinking on my card." They all chuckle.

The people behind me leave with me. We take a few cars, Macavity and Evelyn get into an argument on the way to the cars; Evelyn complains because she wants to come too but Macavity isn't having it.

"I'm going." Evelyn insists.

"Evelyn, enough. Go with Gio." Mavacity spits.

"No!" Evelyn whines.

"Enough." I boom. "Get into the damn car."

Macavity mumbles something before opening a car door for Evelyn, slamming it shut afterwards. I get into my own car while Marco and Matteo jump in another SUV. I'm speeding down the roads. Macavity calls me on the bluetooth and I huff before answering it.

"What." I spit.

"Where are we going, exactly?" He questions.

"The airport." I end the call and press on the excelerator.

Hours later, we are at my wherehouse back in Italy. I called everyone on the team and we began working. The teams I sent out on boats and helicopters saw nothing. They did pick up her dress and are shipping it back here to see if there is any evidence on it. I doubt it but I want the dress back anyway.

"Was she forced over the balcony?" Macavity asks Evelyn.

She nods her head. "Yes, she was struggling against Remy when I got there." Evelyn clarifies.

"You're going to have to give a full rundown of what you saw." I state, leaning my hands on the table.

She scoffs and rolls her eyes. "I did already, like seven times. How is me repeating everything I'm saying doing any help to Reagan?"

I pinch my eyes closed to keep calm and not blow up at Macavity's girlfriend. "Explain everything you did in detail, into the tape." I order, sliding the recorder across the table towards her.

She leans on her elbows and tells her story into the recorder. At the end, I have to clench the edges of the table hard to keep myself from going into a raging fit. "She was screaming for help." Evelyn pauses. "Then she went over because Remy pushed her. Remy jumped in soon after. Remy didn't see me, but I think Reagan did before..." She concludes.

Why wasn't I there? I should have been there with her, gone with her to my mother. Because I didn't, she is now missing. My mother did it. She very well could have been behind all the money laundering. I get she would want to kill my father, but she did that already. Why need to take Reagan with her on her get away boat? Who else is on that boat? Something else is obviously happening. Someone else could be forcing her to betray the family name. I know my mother, she knows I love Reagan, so she wouldn't take her from me.

I need to get them back before either of them gets hurt. And I'll kick the ass of any and all of those involved. 


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