I don't like him... right?

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Ah yes, my first chapter and my first time writing! Please send me ideas too. :b Lets get this story rolling!

Zenitsu P.O.V

Sometimes I wonder why Tanjiro keeps this boar around. Hes pretty annoying... meh whatever, my legs hurt from walking.

"Tanjirooo, my legs hurt. We've been walking foreverr." I complained, maybe seeing Nezuko would cheer me up.

Tanjiro P.O.V

"I'm sorry Zenitsu, maybe we should stop somewhere before night. We do still have a day till we get to the demon." I say as I look at the upcoming sunset.


We found a nice spot to camp at for the night. Zenitsu was complaining about not being able to sleep at a Wisteria House, followed by a angry Inosuke. The stars look beautiful tonight. It's cold tonight might as well check on Zenitsu, Nezuko, and Inosuke. Zenitsu looks ok, Nezuko is playing with bugs, and Inosuke he looks cold. I can't look at my friends in any type of pain. It wont hurt to give him my haori for the night. I take off my haori and set it on Inosuke. Goodness, I didn't realize how cold it is tonight until I took off my haori.

"Nezuko, I'm going to bed you should too."

Inosuke P.O.V

I woke up to something touching me. I don't move just in case if a demon is around, Gonpachiro would warn me or I would hear Monitsu screaming. Then I hear Gonpachiro going to sleep meaning no demon. I wait until I know Gonpachiro goes to sleep to get up and figure out what's on me. Gonpachiro's haori is being used as a coverup to me. Does he think I'm weak?! I lord Inosuke, is not weak! Gonpachiro looks cold, he cares about others to much for his own good. When the boars were cold they would huddle up to keep warm. As a leader I must look out for my underlings so I shall keep him warm through the night.


Tanjiro P.O.V

It seemed to get weirdly warm last night. Might as well get up and start the day. My face heats up realizing that Inosuke had been cuddling me all night. I bet I'm a blushing mess right now. I must get up but, this feels nice. He doesn't have his boar mask on either. He looks cute when he's not wearing it. I wish I could kiss him. Wait, what am I thinking. I couldn't possibly have a crush on him. My face feels warm around him too and I wish I could be with him forever. I don't think I like him that way... right?


We finally made it to the demon. It's a powerful one too with the blood demon art. I hope we make it out alright.

Nobody P.O.V

The demon's blood demon art is that it uses water to make sharp shard like glass. That doesn't help anyone because, it was around a hot spring. The battle was a short one. Tanjiro had a glass shard into his shoulder while protecting Inosuke, Inosuke had a shard in his leg, and Zenitsu ended the battle while getting a shard in his leg and shoulder. The group gets to a Wisteria House and gets treated for their wounds. Tanjiro takes Nezuko outside on a walk and leaves Inosuke and Zenitsu in the room.

Zenitsu P.O.V

The nerve Tanjiro has to take my precious Nezuko away from me and leave me with the boar. I'm scared about what he will do to me.

"Hey, Monitsu. Can you help me?" Inosuke just asked for help?!

"Uh... yeah, whats it about?"

"I feel hot around Gonpachiro like my face is gonna explode. When he compliments me too I get all happy and like I wanna kiss him."




Nezuko P.O.V

I miss going on walks with Onii-chan. He stops and sits down next to a tree. I join him and start picking at the flowers.

"I think I like Inosuke in a lovey way. I feel better when I'm around him and I my face always feels like it's gonna explode. The other night when he cuddled up to me I felt like kissing him. I don't have time to love someone though." I sqealed. I can't believe my brother found someone that he loves! I can only write in the dirt. I wish I could tell him directly. I write "your in love tell him" he gasps.

"Nezuko! It's not that easy!?" I respond with a "Yes it is".

"We might as well go inside." he must tell him. "You better tell him".

"Fine Nezuko, I'll tell him." I respond with clapping.


Inosuke P.O.V

I can't believe I just told Monitsu my feelings.



"I WILL!" Monitsu raises his hands like I'm about to punch him. That would be nice to punch him.

"I'll tell him."


"No, but do you wanna fi-" I get interrupted by Tanjiro entering the room.

"Nezukoooo~" Zenitsu won't shut up when Nezuko is around will he. "Lets go on a walk around the house."

"Zenitsu, you can do that but, make sure Nezuko comes back alright."


Nezuko and Zenitsu both leave. I'm alone with Tanjiro.

Tanjiro P.O.V

"Hey Inosuke, uh I have something to tell you."

"So do I Monjiro, you go first though."

"Inosuke... I-" I can barely finish my own sentence. It doesn't help that he doesn't have his boar head on either. I'm probably a blushing mess. "I love you and I think... no, I want to be with you forever. Even if you don't like me back I hope we can still be friends." I can't believe it, I just confessed.

"I WANTED TO CONFESS FIRST!" Did Inosuke just yell that or am I going crazy.

"Wait what?"

"Stupid Monjiro. I said 'I wanted to confess first'... I like you Tanjiro and I wanna kiss you and spend the rest of my life with you." Inosuke said my name right and he's a blushing mess. I probably am too. I run over and hug him "So does this mean we're dating?"

"Yes, Inosuke and people who date kiss eachother." I open my eyes to see a blusing Inosuke.

"So we can kiss?"

"Yes Inosuke." Inosukes eyes light up before he kisses me. Then we hear the door open followed by a gasp and a sqeal. In that moment we didn't care about anything. We had eachother.

1093 words. This is my first time writing and it had to be my favorite ship! Please tell me if you liked it!! :D

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