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ITS MY SECOND TIME WRITING!! Cant wait to bring more! :D Sadly, I could not find the artist who made this but, I feel like this goes along with the story!
Inosuke P.O.V

Me and Monitsu ran faster than we ever had carrying Gonpachiro to the Butterfly Mansion. Mexico ran behind us making sure that if we dropped something it wouldn't be left behind.


It's been a day since we brought Kamaboko to the mansion. I've been collecting acorns and nuts for him. I have collected about 20 for him today. Aoi doesn't like that I do this so I hide them under his bed. I need to quietly open the door and hide the acorns before anything bad happens. I slowly close the door and tiptoe to the bed. I look at Gonpachiros unbothered face and my face heats up immediately. How is it suddenly hot in here!? I gotta hide these acorns and go before I get too hot. I crawl under the bed and put the acorns in the pile. Then on top of me the bed jolts. Did Gonpachiro wake up?

Tanjiro P.O.V

I'm trapped in this dream where my family lives get taken away by Muzan. Again and again I witness it happening and all I can do is stand there. Everytime it gets worse. I stand there watching, I feel terrible like I'm useless. The dream changes by adding Zenitsu trying his best to protect Nezuko but dying. I can feel my tears freezing to my face. Why can't I help them? Why am I just standing here? The dream changes once more by adding Inosuke. He fights his hardest one yet. Yet he brutally dies. My tears start pouring out knowing that I couldn't even protect the person I love the most. I love Inosuke and want to live with him forever but, in this dream my only purpose is to watch my loved ones get murdered over and over by Muzan. Muzan looks at me for the first time in the dream and walks towards me. My vision fades as I realize he killed me.
       I jolt awake remembering it was just a dream. It felt so real. I look around noticing that I'm in the Butterfly Mansion.

"Monjiro, are you awake?" Did I just hear Inosukes voice?
"Yes, I am awake." I heard Inosuke yet I can't figure out where he is. I hear frantic crawling and watch Inosuke crawl out from under my bed. "INOSUKE WHAT WERE YOU DOING UNDER THERE!?" My face immediately heats up realizing that Inosuke doesn't have his boar mask on.

"I was collecting acorns for you." He pulls out a pile of acorns from under the bed. Inosuke has some weird ways of showing his affection. Thats why I love him. "We're you dreaming?" My mind immediately turns back to the dream. My friends and family dying right before my eyes and I was standing there watching them all die. The thought makes me cry.

Inosuke P.O.V

I was sitting there waiting for a response from Monjiro. A cloud uncovers the sun shining light into Monjiros face. He's crying. I stand up so I can look at him better.

"Explain me the dream."

-Tanjiro explained the dream to Inosuke-

At this point he's bawling his eyes out. I feel terrible just standing here and I jump for him and give him a hug.

"Inosuke, I thought you didn't like hugs?"

"Shut it or I'll kiss you!" I can feel Tanjiros face heat up and mine does too after realizing what I said.

Tanjiro P.O.V

Did Inosuke just say he'll kiss me!? I open my eyes to see a flustered Inosuke.

"I wouldn't mind if you kissed my Inosuke. I love you." Did I just say that?!

"I love you too, Tanjiro."

"I have 2 questions. Did you just say you love me? And did you just get my name right?!"

"Will this answer your question, stupid Gonpachiro." Inosukes lips touch mine. It makes my heart dance like it never has. We hear the door open to see Zenitsu standing in the doorway dumbfounded.

"I need to tell Aoi your awake but, we'll keep this between us." He walks out of the room.

"Inosuke, are we dating now since we both love each other?"

"If you wanna."

"Of course I want to!"

We jump into another kiss. I no longer need to fear my nightmares because afterwards I'll always have my Boyfriend. He still didn't answer my second question though.
735 words! Not my longest but I like how this one ended! Please give me ideas for oneshots.

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