The boar in the diner

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I feel like doing angst soon. Anyways, before I make angst I bring you my third chapter! This will also be my first modern au.

They look like this

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They look like this. This is not my art and I could not sadly find who made it. :(

Tanjiro P.O.V

When I'm hungry and bored I go to the diner across the street and eat. Me, Nezuko, and Zenitsu head to the diner. It's a cold day although the sun is shining. Nezuko runs over to get the seats early.


"NEZUKO, BE CAREFUL!" I can't not be worried about my sister. After all our family died when someone broke into our house while me and Nezuko were at the diner. It hurts to remember I wasn't there to help my family. You can't dwell on the past forever.

Me and Zenitsu finally make it to the diner and Nezuko seems to be arguing with a boy with black hair with blue tips and green eyes.



"WIMP!" After that I heard enough and ran full force while head butting full force into his head. He immediately falls to the ground and looks dead.

"TANJIRO YOU KILLED HIM!" Zenitsu screams so loud.

Inosuke P.O.V

One second I'm at a diner, another I'm arguing with a little girl, and then I'm passed out!? Finally my vision comes back to me. I see a boy with yellow hair and yellow eyes, that girl, and a eye catching boy with beautiful red eyes and hair to match.

"Zenitsu, look he's awake I didn't kill him." Did I hear Monitsu or Zenitsu? Probably Monitsu.

"I thought you killed him that head butt looked like it hurt." Head butt? That couldn't have been a head butt?!

"Zenitsu, Tanjiro has a really hard forehead."
Monitsu and Gonpachiro that's their names. What's the girls name though? The more I look at the red head the redder I get. He's so gentle and kind while he's treating my head.

"See Nezuko and Zenitsu hes just fine!" Ah, so the girls name is Mexico!

"Yeah, like Gonpachiro said I'm fine!"

"Gonpachiro? My names Tanjiro."


"Tan-ji-ro Tanjiro!"

"Tan-ji... meh whatever I don't care."

"You were so close!"

"We should order our food and go." Mexico is trying to play it cool.

"You can't just head butt me and leave!?"

"He's right Tanjiro, you kinda messed him up."

"Oo, so boar guy-"

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