His favorite flower

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I'm so excited for my first angst! I didn't make the art. This idea was made by my best friend Aspenn_2 and I have permission to use this idea!

It's been a couple of weeks since the final battle. It's also
me and Inosuke's anniversary! We've secretly been dating but we are gonna tell everyone after today! Since he's been in bad shape since the battle I'm getting him his favorite flowers, peonies. I go to my garden and pick some peonies. I make a bouquet for him.


"Hey Inosuke, what's your favorite flower?"

"I don't know, maybe the ponys."


"Yeah that's what I said 'ponys'!"

"Ok then Inosuke, whatever you say!"

After I finish the bouquet I need to tell Nezuko I'm going to see Inosuke.

"Nezuko, Im going to see Inosuke!"

"Ok!" Now that I've told Nezuko I can leave. As I walk I see everything this beautiful world has to offer. The trees. The flowers. Everything is beautiful. I start picking up the pace when I see the Butterfly Mansion.


"Hey Inosuke you look cold."

"I'm not cold. ACHOO!"

"Inosuke, maybe you'd be warmer if I slept with you?"

"I- I don't care Monjiro, do what you want."

"Ok Inosuke, I'm coming over."

"Hi, Tanjiro." Oh Kanao! "What brings you here?"


"Oh, Tanjiro..."

"Yes, Kanao?"

"Did you ever get a letter?"


"Inosukes not here."

"Where is he?" Kanao then suddenly burst into tears. "KANAO, ARE YOU OK?!"

"I'm so sorry Tanjiro, he really isn't here." No she can't mean.

"Did he head back to the mountains?" No answer just shook her head no. "Is he going somewhere?"

"No Tanjiro, he's gone." Without knowing I was in tears. I dropped the bouquet.

"His funeral will be tomorrow." I couldn't think straight. He can't be gone. He was too strong to die. Please let this be a dream.
          It wasn't a dream. I sat there for minutes. I'd lost track of time. What else am I supposed to do without him?

"Tanjiro, you should go home."

"Oh... sorry, Kanao." The walk home was miserable. Earlier I was walking this same path happy as can be. No longer being able to admire the beauty of the world. How would I be able to if my world was gone.

"Tanjiro, your home! How's Inosuke?" I stood in the doorway as both Zenitsu and Nezuko looked at me like I was crazy. My legs get wobbly until I can't stand and I fall straight to the ground in tears. I'm still holding his bouquet.

"TANJIRO!" They both yelled at the same time and both ran to me. "TANJIRO, WHATS WRONG!?"

"Tanjiro, please tell me what happened?"

"He's gone."

"Gone back to the mountains?"


"Where then Tanjiro?" Zenitsu is still standing there worried.

"He's gone."

"No... you can't mean."

"He's gone."

"How did he die!?" There Zenitsu goes.

"His funeral is tomorrow." I stumbled to my room in tears. I swear I can feel him right next to me in my bed. "Your gonna be fine." It's like I can hear him too.
          I walked the same path as I walked yesterday with Zenitsu and Nezuko. The beauty in this world is gone.

"Tanjiro, Zenitsu, and Nezuko you made it." We took our seats waiting for it to start. Barely anyone was here. It was hard for people to get along with him.

"We will now have a moment of silence" I put my head down. I could see my tears dropping down onto the dirt. "Now you can look at Inosuke." I slowly walked up to the casket. He still looked beautiful and at peace. I knew I would burst into tears soon so I turned and went back to my seat. The rest of the funeral was a blur. They didn't know Inosuke like I did. "Does anyone have something to say?" I stood up. "Please, come Tanjiro." I walked up to only speak the truth.

"Nobody here knew Inosuke like I did. His favorite flower was peonies and he would call them ponys. He loved shrimp. He loved and hated many things. One thing that he did love was me. We were supposed to tell everyone that we were in love after he recovered." Tears were falling from my eyes. "I wish I was there with him when he passed. I was to late. When I got to the Butterfly Mansion yesterday, Kanao told me that he passed. I loved him so much." I couldn't handle it anymore and I ran back to my seat.


I walk on the path I've walked many times. Sometimes sad, mad, happy, and excited. I look around. The world is beautiful. I get to the Butterfly Mansion. I say my hellos to Kanao. I then make it to a grave "Inosuke Hashibira People say he was mean but one says differently." Time seemed to slow as I looked at the grave. "I love you Inosuke." I leave knowing that Inosuke is still there waiting for me to see him. The wind blows. The grave is unbothered. A sign from Inosuke. The wind blows again this time swooping up the peonies from the grave. Inosukes taking them to the afterlife. "See you soon."
858 words! This is kinda short but it's my first angst so that's cool! Anyways, have an amazing day or night!

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