A dance to remember

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This is my Christmas special! THANK YOU FOR 300+ READS!! Should I make a book for inotan other than oneshots? I don't know yet but let's start the story!
Tanjiro P.O.V
I've always loved dancing since I was little. I remember watching my father doing a dance in the cold. Me and Nezuko used to try and recreate it. In our last battle on Mt. Natagumo I found myself using the dance as a breathing style. Now I work hard everyday to improve it.
As I walk from my training back to my bed I see the girls talking about something.
"Did you hear about our Christmas party coming up?"
"Yeah, I can't wait!"
"It's going to be so much fun!" A party? I'll figure it out sooner or later.
"Oh look, Tanjiro! We should tell him about the party!!" Or now.
"Hey, Tanjiro!"
"Did you hear about the Christmas party?"
"No, not at all!"
"Well tomorrow we will hold a party!"
"Will you come Tanjiro?"
"Please come!"
"Of course I will come! Thank you so much for inviting me"
"Yay!!" They celebrated in perfect harmony. This party must be a good one because the next day the girls wouldn't stop talking about it! There were Christmas decorations everywhere! I've never seen the Butterfly Mansion so lively. Inosuke and Zenitsu looked confused.
"Why is there decorations everywhere?"
"The Butterfly Mansion is holding a party!"
"Party? What the hells a party?"
"A party is where a bunch of people get together to celebrate something!"
"They must be celebrating me!" I laugh at Inosukes response then continue to walk around the mansion.

Inosuke P.O.V
A party? Weird concept but, it's about me so I'm not mad!
More people started to gather at the mansion and it started to make me sick. I usually hold onto Gonpachiro in moments like these but I can't find him. I start feeling sick. Now I really have to find him. There Gonpachiro is!
"Oh, Inosuke there you are!"
I immediately grab onto his hand so I can feel safe. How come I feel sicker than before. My face is hot.
"Come with me Inosuke! The party is about to start!!"
Gonpachiro then drags me outside to an open area where most people have collected. What is everyone doing here?
"Thank you for coming to celebrate Christmas at my home!"
That butterfly woman is talking about why we're here.
"Thankfully, we have a group of slayers that go out and slay demons for us."
So that's why they aren't out on missions.
"Tanjiro, me and Nezuko made it."
"Thanks for bringing her, Zenitsu!"
"Now to celebrate we will have food, games, and a dance where we will vote for different categories! Now go have fun!!"
I'm hungry.
"Hey Inosuke, wanna get something to eat?"
"You read my mind!"

Tanjiro P.O.V
I laugh at Inosukes response then walk him over to the food table.
"What do you want Inosuke? Tempura?"
"How dare you read my mind again!"
"Hehe I guess it's my talent!"
"Hey, do you wanna play some games with me and Nezuko?"
We all walk over to the hanetsuki game setup. Zenitsu is flirting with Nezuko the whole time we are walking. I would stop him but, Nezuko seems to be enjoying it. After the game I couldn't stop staring at Inosuke. I knew his face was beautiful but I never knew it was this pretty.
"Everyone gather around!"
We all start to walk towards Shinobu.
"To celebrate this holiday I've made everyone a gift!"
Our crows then drop us gifts. I open mine and see a gift for me and Nezuko. It's a beautiful painting of us.
"Nezuko, look at this!"
She then looks at the painting and gasps as she takes it from my hands.
"Now get back to your games! The dance will start soon!!"
We then get back to playing hanetsuki and Inosuke proceeds to win.
"Everyone who wants to dance come to the dance floor! The dance will be starting soon!!"
Nezuko and Zenitsu run to the dance floor.
"Hey Inosuke."
"Do you wanna dance with me?"
"Yeah sure!"
We then ran to the dance floor hand in hand.
"Do you know how to dance?"
"I can teach you Inosuke! Follow my lead!!"
"Put your hand on my shoulder and I'll put mine on yours."
I can feel my face heat up as I watch his face turn red. His face is beautiful in the moonlight glow with the colorful lights dancing in the background.
"It's a beautiful night."
The music starts and Inosuke starts doing just as I taught him. I get lost in his beautiful green eyes.
"You look beautiful."
He blushes more and looks away. Did I say that aloud!
The music slows down and the couples start to kiss. Me and Inosuke make eye contact. It's my time.
"May I?"
"Go ahead!"
With permission I lunge into a kiss. The colors are dancing with excitement. We look into each-others eyes.
"I love you, Inosuke."
"I love you more!"
"Now for another song!"
The next song starts playing and it's way more upbeat than the last one.
"Follow my lead, Gonpachiro!"
Inosukes grabs my hands and starts to dance.
Colors are dancing everywhere as he's spinning me and pulling me in. I then start to laugh as Inosuke laughs. The song ends and Inosuke dips me down and kissed me. Colors are jumping everywhere no longer confine to the cord of the Christmas lights. He picks me up in a bridal style and I can tell my face is so red it blends into my hair. I look around and realize most of the attention is on me and Inosuke.
"Now we will pick out our favorites in each category!" Shinobu is doing categories! Inosuke holds me still while we listened to the winners.
"The cutest couple award goes too! Inosuke and Tanjiro!!"
Everyone looks at us. Did we just win the cutest couple award?! I look up at Inosuke and he looks excited.
"Come on up here you two!"
Inosuke puts me on his shoulders and runs to Shinobu.
"You guys were adorable and your dances were beautiful! You guys are perfect for eachother!!"
Inosuke puts me down and the next thing I know is we are kissing again.
"I love you."
"I love you more!"
Colors dance and fly around as people clap and cheer.
I will remember this night and the dance that lead to this moment forever.
1095 words! Thanks for reading!!

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