An Early Warning

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He could feel the blood pumping in his ears as he leapt over the tree roots of the forests surrounding the tall stone walls and wrought iron gates of Hogwarts, the bundle in his arms staying mercifully quiet as he ran. The footsteps behind him grew louder and louder as his attackers gave chase, but they wouldn't be able to stop him. He was too close now. He glanced down at the bundle in his arms and watched the baby sleep.

'It's okay Y/N. I promise you they won't get you; Dumbledore will look after you. I-.' he was interrupted as a burst of flame appeared at the outer wall of the castle. A bright red feather floating down into sight. Have to get there. He willed himself forward, every last part of his body screaming out in agony, but he was so close.

'I love you Y/N, so much' he gasped his voice breaking. 'Mommy loves you; she'll find you soon.' He reached back and threw. The bundle flew straight past the still falling red feather and over the wall of Hogwarts.

'ARRESTO MOMENTUM!' he cried pointing his wand at the bundle, at it slowed, floating gently out of sight. The bright red flame re-emerged, and he watched as the protective boundary of the school closed, blocking off the opening he had just used. The tears flowed freely down his face as he heard the footsteps stop. He turned wand up to face the Death Eaters

'What did you do!?' shrieked a woman's voice from under one of the masks.

'Stopped you from ending the lives of one of the greatest wizards of our time' Cried back D/N his right hand still held his wand towards the death eaters as his left reached up and wiped the tears out his eyes. Now wasn't the time for that.

'You dare defy his will!' It wasn't a question.

'Hell yes I do!' D/N called back 'In the same way I defy yours Bellatrix! Stupefy!' the spell soared towards her, but she was too quick, one shield charm later and it had ricochet into one of the others sending him flying out of sight. 'You will not take Y/N!'

The 3 remaining advanced now, moving towards his left and right whilst Bellatrix walked straight at him. D/N began firing stunning spell after stunning spell at them, but each was repelled and knocked aside. He was beginning to panic now but stood defiant none the less.

'Incarcerous!' the spells came soaring towards him and he knew he wouldn't be able to block all 3. He ducked as he heard the spells soar overhead, followed by a grunt and a thud to his left. It appeared as though the Death Eater on the right had accidentally hit his friend. But a split-second later and he felt a hand grab the top of his robes as he was forced up. He kicked the large Death Eater in the chest causing him to stagger. But too late

'INCARCEROUS!' shrieked Bellatrix's voice, and this time there was no avoiding it. He felt the ropes spring up around him and clamp hard around his arms and legs, he wobbled for a moment before falling face first into the grass. He felt a kick in his side and then hands grab him roughly as they span him over. He looked up into the hoods of the Death Eater he'd just kicked and the now maskless face of Bellatrix Lestrange. She looked livid and excited at the same time. It didn't suit her

'The Dark Lord-!' but she was silenced at a distant slithering sound. She and the other Death Eater looked at each other in alarm before falling into low kneels.

'So,' came the high cold voice, ringing out from all around them. 'My faithful Death Eaters, my loyal Death Eaters. Couldn't even stop one man from getting a child away from me?' it spoke softly but D/N could hear the malice in the voice. His stomach turning at the way the voice had said child.

'My lord! My lord please! We have D/N! Have mercy!' It gave D/N a vindictive satisfaction to hear the terror in Bellatrix's voice.

'SILENCE!' shrieked the voice. The slithering was getting louder now, and D/N was fighting hard against his bonds, not that he had anywhere to go as the voice seemed to be echoing from all around him and the Hogwarts boundary blocked his only other path of escape. 'You have all failed me, again... Crucio' D/N slammed his eyes closed as the screams of the four Death Eaters ripped through the forest. He felt his bindings fall away; Bellatrix was evidently in too much pain to focus on the spell. He staggered to his feet.

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