Hoggy Warty Hogwarts

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Y/N woke up early, his excitement threatening to burst out of him like some form of bright light. He scurried out of bed and dressed as quietly as he could trying to not disturb any of his dorm mates. Before making his way downstairs, his journal clutched in his hand.

He settled himself into one of the chairs by a desk next to the window and pulled out his quill. He was about to start writing when he heard a faint fluttering and felt a pair of claws wrap around his shoulder.

'Morning Ves,' he said as the owl nuzzled her head against his cheek. 'You have a nice time exploring the grounds?' to which she hooted sleepily in response.

Y/N laughed, scratching her under her chin before saying 'You'd probably best be heading off to the owlery. You look ready to collapse.'

Ves nibbled his ear affectionately before she took off back out the common room window. She'd clearly just wanted to see him before she settled in for her sleep.

Y/N smiled as he flipped open the journal, he felt the familiar pulse in his head but did his best to ignore it as he began to write.

Hi Mum!

I did it! I made it into Gryffindor! The sorting hat seemed like it wanted to talk to me, but I think it figured out I was getting quite badly affected. It mentioned something about my dad having a similar issue. I hope it didn't decide too quickly. Not that I'm complaining. Looking forward to starting lessons soon and collecting my timetable this morning.

Love you!


He'd had to stop several times throughout writing as his vision blurred and his head pounded.

'Needs to be done,' he whispered himself as he snapped a piece of chocolate off and ate it. The last sprint especially had taken it out of him. As he finished and closed the book he made to stand up and staggered catching himself on the curtains.

'Y/N!' came a voice and he felt a pair of hands steer him into one of the armchairs by the fire. His vision swam as he tried to make out the persons face.

'Pocket.... Chocolate...' he managed. He felt a hand enter his pocket and snap a piece off, he held out his hand and took the piece before eating it. His vision clarified and cleared, and he found himself looking into the worried brown eyes and bushy hair of Hermione.

'What was that? Are you okay?' she asked, he could see the fear in her face, and he felt embarrassed, he shouldn't scare his friend like that.

'Yeah, yeah I'm fine,' he lied. 'Just not feeling 100%.'

'That was more than not feeling okay,' she continued, 'The same thing happened to you yesterday after the Sorting. You don't have to tell me if you don't want too but I'd like to know. It's not exactly nice to come downstairs and find your friend almost collapsing.'

Y/N nodded solemnly. 'Yeah, okay, there's no harm in you knowing,' he breathed shakily as Hermione straightened up and sat on the arm of his chair, looking down at him.

'My mum got me this for my 11th birthday,' he held up the journal, 'apparently she used a Protean charm on it? Basically, anything I do to this journal changes hers, it's so I can update her if I need anything. But when I first opened it, I went faint and almost passed out.' Hermione gasped as her eyes fell on the journal.

'Ves carried it away and I recovered. So, when mum got home, I mentioned it to her, and she brought me to see Dumbledore. He explained that I have something my father used to have. He called it Arcane Sense. Basically, I can feel powerful magical objects like a radar. I know where they are and apparently with practice, I may even be able to identify the spell.'

A Young Wizard's Journey - Philosopher's Stone (Hermione Granger X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now