Time Poorly Spent

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Harry and Ron made their way down to the mirror again that evening, but Y/N did not accompany them. He said it was under the pre-tense of not wanting to get under Harrys invisibility cloak after what had happened when he opened it. Which was half true, but wasn't the full truth.

Y/N didn't feel ready to see his parents. His dad was nothing more than a voice to him at the moment, and whilst he knew Professor McGonagall wasn't his birth mother, she'd always been there. Whereas his other mother could be anyone. He didn't want to face that. Not yet. For now, he just wanted to learn spells and enjoy lessons. Plus, he still needed to try and figure out who Nicolas Flamel was.

Harry was much the same over the course of the next day. Y/N had been filled in about Ron seeing himself as Prefect, Head Boy, Quidditch Captain and everything else his brothers had achieved. He had seen much the same look of wonder in Ron's eyes as he had recounted the tale, but before long he too was adopting a 'it doesn't feel right' mentality.

'I know what you're thinking about, Harry. That mirror. Don't go back tonight,' Ron had said the morning after he'd gone to see it with Harry.

'Why not?'

'I dunno, I've just got a bad feeling about it. I think Y/N does too, that's why you didn't want to come look, isn't it?' Ron asked him.

Y/N nodded and turned to Harry.

'I've seen you without that mirror, Harry, and now I've seen you with it,' he said, echoing Harry's sentiment to him on Christmas day. 'You're not the same person.'

'I expect it off him and Hermione,' said Harry, pointing at Y/N, 'but not off you, Ron. I thought you'd be more excited.'

'You've already had too many close shaves, Harry. What if one of these nights you get caught? I'm serious, don't go.'

'He's not listening to you,' said Y/N as Harry spaced out. Ron shook his head.

'You're right, Y/N,' Ron whispered, leaning in towards Y/N. 'He's not himself, what are we going to do about it?'

'I've got it handled, don't worry,' Y/N responded, trying hard to make sure Harry didn't hear him. 'If he goes again tonight, someone will stop him. He won't get in trouble,' said Y/N quickly as Ron looked shocked, 'but he will be stopped from visiting it. I raised concerns yesterday after he was like this.'

'Guess it pays to have a teacher for a mother.'

'In more ways than you'd think, Ron.'

Y/N climbed into bed that night and began telling Hermione all about everything Harry had been doing and what Harry and Ron had seen in the mirror. At first, she was fascinated by the mirror, asking whether Y/N had looked in it too. Once Y/N had explained why he hadn't however, her tune soon changed.

'Well of course, that makes sense. And Dumbledore's completely right of course, it could be so dangerous. I'm really glad you told Dumbledore; he'll be able to stop Harry before he gets caught. It's too dangerous to just be left lying around and Harry knows we need to be looking for Nicolas.'

Around an hour or so later, Y/N felt his head pulse slightly and heard the dormitory door open and close. He waited another 5 minutes, then crept downstairs into the common room.

It was actually Hermione who had given him the idea to await Harry's return. She didn't want Y/N to be awake for too long, but figured Harry would probably want someone there for him if Dumbledore did choose today to have words with him. And she didn't seem to think Ron would be capable.

Y/N was waiting for a while before eventually he heard the portrait hole swing open, and he heard the shuffling of movement. He felt the cloak before Harry had even gotten through the portrait hole.

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