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Y/N proceeded back up to his dorm and swapped out "1000 Magical Herbs and Fungi" for the "Standard Book of Spells Grade 2" and made his way back downstairs. He settled in on the long sofa in front of the fire and Hermione slotted in next to him and they continued the study they'd been doing earlier that week on the knockback jinx.

Before long the rest of Gryffindor house began travelling downstairs, heading towards the Great Hall.

They were just closing up the book to head downstairs themselves when they saw a group of first years crowded around the notice board. Y/N stood on tiptoes to see over them.

'Flying lessons,' he said over his shoulder to Hermione. 'Starting today apparently.'

'Oh no... I don't like heights,' Hermione replied. She looked terrified.

'I've only done it once or twice myself,' said Y/N, leading the way out the portrait hall. 'But it's not as bad as it looks once you're off the ground.' This didn't seem to help Hermione, and he placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. 'Come on Hermione, you've aced every other class. What makes this one any different?'

'I'm not afraid of the other classes.'

'Well I'll help you as much as I can. I haven't used brooms often, but I have some practice.'

Hermione smiled appreciatively but her face immediately fell back into one of concern.

'I've been reading "Quidditch Through the ages",' she mentioned as they settled in next to Ron and Harry. 'But all the tips in there are for people who have done it before. Telling you where to put your legs and where to hold. Doesn't help too much. Can't exactly research into it.'

Y/N spent the next 5 or so minutes trying to calm her and explain what he knew about using a broom. He was just getting to the correct way to turn when a fluttering overhead announced the post owls. He glanced up but there was no sign of Ves amongst the gathered owls. There was however a barn owl flying a package towards Neville. Neville caught the dropped box and opened it, revealing a glass ball the size of a marble. It was filled with what seemed to be white smoke.

'It's a Remembrall!' he explained 'Gran knows I forget things. This tells you if there's something you've forgotten to do. Look, you hold it tight like this, and if it turns red- oh,' His face fell as the Remembrall had turned red 'you've forgotten something' he finished in a small whisper

'Robes, Neville' said Y/N nodding to Neville's grey undershirt. He had forgotten to put on his robes that morning.

'Oh. Thanks Y/N,' he said beaming. Unfortunately, this left him distracted and allowed a certain pale faced boy to snatch the orb out of his hand.

Y/N drew his wand as Harry and Ron stood up but almost as if from nowhere, Professor McGonagall appeared. Y/N smirked appreciatively.

'What's going on?'

'Malfoys got my Remembrall, Professor.'

Malfoy scowled and dropped the orb back on the table. 'Just looking,' he said and then moved off with his henchmen.

Y/N stowed his wand away in his pocket as Ron and Harry took their seats. He watched as his mum gave his pocket a quick glance before moving off back towards the staff table.


That afternoon, the Gryffindors rushed down the stairs into the clear skies and warm weather for their first flying lesson. They made their way over to the training grounds where they were met with around 20 brooms, Madam Hooch and the Slytherins.

'Brilliant,' Y/N whispered to Hermione, his eyes on Malfoy.

'He won't cause trouble, there's a teacher right there,' and she nodded at Madam Hooch.

A Young Wizard's Journey - Philosopher's Stone (Hermione Granger X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now