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Y/N shot awake as a pulse of pain ripped through his chest. He grunted as it felt like part of his ribs almost slid back into place. It wasn't a comfortable experience. His breath caught and became ragged as he placed his right hand to his chest, he went to raise his left one to wipe his brow, when he realised it wouldn't move

He looked down to see it hand in hand with Hermione, who was fast asleep next to him.

His mind jumped back to those few moments before he'd fallen asleep. He'd been so boggled and in so much pain he hadn't even thought, he'd just reached out. He watched the sleeping face of his friend, his mind running back through the memories of the previous day. He remembered the expression on her face when she opened the bathroom stall. Remembered what he'd thought at the time.

'I never even realised,' he thought, looking across at her, 'but I suppose she is my best friend. There's not exactly anyone else I'd give that too. I always just thought friend until now, but I think that was when it hit me.'

He squeezed her hand gently and watched as her face broke into a small smile whilst she slept. He hoped he'd just cheered up whatever dream she was having as he settled back. The train of thought had helped him forget about the pain, but now it returned in full force. Instead, he moved his mind onto Harry and Ron.

They'd saved his life, even though he'd threatened Ron. They'd come back to help. Y/N remembered the uncertainty in Ron's voice from the corridor yesterday.

'Maybe he's not as big of an arsehole as I thought. Although, maybe he is and he just felt bad 'cause he got caught out. I dare say I'll find out tomorrow. Why do they want to see me anyway? I didn't do anything, well, bar getting almost killed.'

Y/N felt a slight squeeze to his hand and turned his head to be met with the brown orbs of Hermione as she gazed at him.

'Thought I saw you blinking,' she smiled at him. 'Figured that would be the best way to get your attention. What are you thinking about?'

'Harry and Ron,' grunted Y/N as he painfully readjusted himself so that he could see her better. 'I don't get why they saved me. I mean I do, obviously any decent person saves someone else, but I mean more like why they want to talk to me now that they have saved me. I thought they'd be happy just going about their lives.'

'They didn't talk much when they were here, not to me at least,' said Hermione. 'But they looked terrified. I think you've, at the very least, made an impression on them. Harry especially, he seems to really like you.'

'Ron probably doesn't like how much I've threatened him. I haven't exactly been Mr Pleasant.'

'Neither has he, or are you forgetting the whole reason this started?'

'It's easier to blame myself.'

'I know it is, and that's why I'm here to tell you that if it's anyone's fault, it's the Troll's, and that of whoever let it in. Ron and Harry told me that Quirrell announced it to the Great Hall, apparently it started in the dungeons. Someone let it into the castle.'

'Well then I owe whoever that is a very stern talking to.'

'Y/N, please.' Y/N turned his eyes on Hermione and saw with a shock that she was crying, very silently and only slightly, but there were tears falling down her face all the same. 'After watching you get hit, I didn't know what to do. It's lucky Harry and Ron were there or the troll would have gotten both of us. I couldn't move. Please. I need you to promise me that you won't do anything like that again.'

'I can say it now but I don't know if I can keep it, Hermione. Danger seems to be every other day here.'

Hermione shook her head.

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