🐝 Chapter One 🐝

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[Picture: Cathay Residence]

🐝 Chapter One 🐝

🌻 Cathay POV 🌻

"What is it like moving from New York City into Chicago in less than a week, Tay?" I asked my father as he helped me set up my new loft apartment; I put my box of kitchenware inside the kitchen, and I walked back to my father, who was inside the living room, placing family pictures and artwork on the walls. I hug him from behind. "Absolutely exhausting, but I'm so happy you came and helped me, Dad. You are the best." I told him, kissing him on the cheek; he returned the affectionate gesture once he was done angling the photo of him and me on the wall. "I remember that day like it was yesterday. When you painted a black version of the Mona Lisa, the number of phone calls we received from your school. Your mother and I thought the worst had happened; the 1st call we answered was from your favorite teacher (Art Teacher name____)." Father said as he gazed at our picture.

"She told us that there were different individuals that came from various sponsors and programs to help the youth in your school; an art critic saw you're painting and wanted to have you part of the art program where they pay for your college tuition and a place for you to stay. That was a blessing for both your mother and me; we were so happy and thankful that someone of a higher caliber saw your talent and offered you a better life. Each of your paintings got you paid hundreds of thousands of dollars." My father said as his eyes watered from how proud he was of me; he took a deep breath, "I wish your mother were physically here." He finished as I hugged him again for comfort. "She'll always be here in spirit."

When I graduated high school, she got severely ill in my senior year. It was hard for both my father and me; the day before my graduation, my mother passed. My father took it hard; it took him five years to get back to the man I remember him as; I believe that my parents were soulmates; the love that they had for one another was impeccable, and I hope to receive the same love from whomever I end up with in the future. Father and I stood in each other's embrace until we decided to watch a movie, "what movie do you want to watch? I have different genres," I told my father as I grabbed the DVD movie box beside the couch. "Oh! How about we watch Fantastic Beast again? I enjoyed that movie," Father retorted excitedly; I enjoyed that movie also. The graphics and the details of the creatures this that movie was terrific; I felt terrible for Credence, though; he deserved better than what he got.

I opened the box and grabbed the movie we wanted to watch before putting it in our DVD player. Usually, we would either rent or buy a film on streaming sites, but we enjoyed this movie so much that we had to buy the movie's DVD. Father went into the kitchen to get snacks for us as I dressed into more comfortable clothes and grabbed a big blanket for my father and me to share if we fell asleep. I returned to the living room as the movie began; Dad sat next to me as I used the cover to cover both of us; we started watching the film as if we were snacks. As time went on, my father had already gone to sleep as I was slowly beginning to doze off; suddenly, I heard a buzzing sound, like a flying insect kind of buzzing. I sat up and looked around for the proper location; I checked the room I was in, the kitchen, the dining room, my bedroom, and the closet.

Getting fed up, I went to the bathroom to rinse my face off. When I looked in the mirror, I saw a bee creating a buzzing sound. "Got lost in here, little guy?" I questioned the bee as I went to grab it gently for the bee; I was alarmed when my hand made contact with only the mirror; shocked and confused, I opened the medication cabinet to see if my mind was playing tricks to see that there was no bee on the other side. 'What the hell is going on? I know I'm not going crazy.' I thought to myself, closing the medication cabinet back. I damn near screamed in fright, seeing a manly silhouette behind me. I quickly turned around and saw no one behind me; I was starting to get nervous now; I was going to pinch myself to see if I was dreaming, but a light tapping on the mirror caught my attention. I looked up to see a man looking back at me; I gasped in shock as he looked back at me with curious eyes.

I closed my eyes. 'This can't be real..' I thought, squeezing my eyes shut in fear. The scent of something sweet begins to fill the air, and the buzzing sounds multiply. "Cathay," a smooth, baritone voice called out right in front of me as I felt someone softly touch my cheek; my heart was racing, and I wasn't sure if it was from fear or excitement, but I knew this wasn't real. "Oh, sweet little honey bee, this is very real." the voice retorts; my eyes shoot back open, and I see the torso of this stranger before looking up to be greeted by a man's face.

He was a handsome Black American man dressed in what seemed like Victorian-era clothes; we were looking at each other faces as if to etch them permanently in our brains. He rested his forehead on mine. "Sweets for the Sweet." He whispered in his smooth baritone voice; the buzzing sound returned, which withdrew my attention. The buzzing sounds like it's coming from inside his coat. I undo his jacket, and a swarm of bees comes flying out of his skin, revealing his decaying torso. I jumped out of my sleep, startling my father, "You ok, Tay? You had a nightmare?" My father asked, concerned as he looked at me with worry. "Yes, Dad, sorry I woke you," I told him as he kissed my forehead, "it's okay; I was going to wake up anyway to help continue helping get your apartment together; come on, it'll help get your mind off the nightmare," Father said, offering me his hand which I took to help me get up from the couch.

Before I continued where we left off, I went to use the bathroom. Walking into the bathroom and turning the light on, I saw something strange in the sink. A piece of candy, "Dad, did you leave any candy inside the bathroom?" I asked as I examined the candy, "No, sweetheart, I only had chips, no candy." Father responds. That's strange; looking at the sweet, I see a little inscription on the wrapper, "Candyman," I said out loud as I read the description. I frowned in confusion as to what oddness I'd gone through; I shrugged it off for now and went back into the living room, placing the candy on my coffee table, which is centered in my living room, and right back to adjusting my apartment.

🐝 Chapter One End 🐝

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2023 ⏰

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