Get off of me!

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⚠️TW! : this chapter involves mentions of SA and gore. This may upset some viewers so please be aware and maybe skip this chapter. You have been warned. ⚠️

"I'll have the burger and fries please"~george. "I'll have the steak please"~dream. "Oh I'll have that too"~karl says and then smiles. "I'll just have the lasagna"~sapnap. "Ok and if you need drinks there's a soda machine over there with cups"~the waiter says as they walk away. "George and I will get the drinks"~dream says. "Alright"~Karl. Sapnap puts his hand on Karl's thigh. "What're you doing?"~karl. Sapnap moves his hand up closer and kisses him. "Mmh"~karl. Karl moves away. "What if people come over and see?"~karl. "Karl we're in a booth no one's going to come over"~sapnap. They start kissing again. "We're back!"~george says as him and dream sit down. Sapnap pulls away. "Oh hey"~sapnap. "I'm going to the bathroom I'll be back in a minute"~karl says as he gets up and walks towards the bathroom. After karl had been in the bathroom he washes his hands. "Hello"~??? Karl turns around and sees a random man. "Can I help you?"~karl. "Yeah you can come home with me sugar"~man. "No thanks I'm actually with my friends."~karl says as he backs away. The man grabs his wrist. "C'mon honey"~man. "Listen I said no just go away"~karl. The man starts pulling karl towards the cubicle. "Get off of me!"~karl.
<<back with the other three>>
"Nick, Karl's taking a while, you should go get him"~dream. "I will"~sapnap. Just as he gets up karl comes out of the bathroom and grabs onto sapnap. "Woah, are you ok?"~sapnap. "Nick. I don't want to be here anymore"~karl says with tears in his eyes. "Wait, what happened?"~dream. George looks over to the bathroom and sees the man walk out. The man looks at Karl and starts walking over. "We should go"~George. "What?"~dream. "We need to go now!"~george. They all get up and start walking out. "Hey what about your food?"~waiter. "We don't want it anymore sorry"~dream. Karl looks back and sees the man is really close. "Oh no"~he mumbles. "What's wrong?"~sapnap. "Keep walking please"~karl quivers. They stops as dream starts to open the car. Karl stands next to sapnap until the man pulls him back. George looks over and sees it happen. "Sapnap!!!"george. Sapnap looks behind him and sees. "Hey! Get off him!"~sapnap says as he runs closer to him. The man puts his hand around Karl's neck and squeezes. "Come closer and I'll squeeze tighter"~man. Karl starts coughing. Sapnap stops. "Nick get him!"~dream. "If I do he said that he'll choke Karl harder you idiot!"~sapnap. Sapnap slowly starts walking closer. "Just let him go"~sapnap. Tears start running down Karl's face. "This little bitch.."~the man says as he shakes karl about. "He fucking kicked me and bit me!"~as the man says this he squeezes harder. Karl coughs louder. "O-Ow!"~karl. "You must've done something to him to make him do that!"~george. "W-Why do you w-want me!?"~karl shouts. "I want you because you're tough, and...." He runs his hand around Karl's thigh. " have a lovely body"~man. "Nick..."~karl. "Oh karl I'll get you back don't worry"~sapnap. The man starts walking backwards. "Stop!"~george screams as he runs towards him. The man pulls out a knife from his back pocket and points in towards George. George backs up and slips to the floor. "I'd like that one too~"~he says pointing the knife at George. "No!"~karl shouts. The man puts the knife against Karl's neck and digs it in. "Shut up"~man. "A-Ah!!"~karl. Sapnap looks up and sees Karl's neck bleeding as the man pushes the blade further in cause Karl to whine and cry out. "STOP IT!!"~sapnap says as he bursts into flames. "What the fuck are you!?"~man. Sapnap starts walking closer. "Let him go..."~sapnap. The man slices karl neck a bit and runs off. Karl falls to the floor holding his neck and crying out. "H-Help! It h-hurts!!"~karl screams. Sapnap stops the flames and holds karl. He takes his shirt off and puts it on Karl's neck. "Turn the car on now!"~sapnap.
<<when they get home>>
Dream grabs karl and puts him on the kitchen counter.
<<once he's patched him up>>
"You ok now?"~dream. "Y-Yeah, thanks C-Clay ~karl. He hugs dream. "You're welcome"~dream says as he hugs him back. "That's cute"~george. "Number one rule, we're never going there again"~george. "How's Nick?"~dream. "Still upset, he's in the living room"~george. Sapnap walks in. He wipes his eyes. "H-Hey baby"~karl says. Sapnap walks over, holds karl and cries into his shoulder. "Thank god you're ok!"~sapnap. Karl wraps his legs around sapnap and kisses his head. "I-I'm fine, m-my neck j-just hurts a b-bit"~karl. Sapnap looks up and kisses him. "I'm sorry I didn't get him away quick enough"~sapnap. "I-I said i-it's fine"~karl. "George and I are going to the grocery store do you feel well enough to come?"~dream. Karl nods.
<<they get to the grocery store>>
They walk around for a while. Someone taps on Karl's shoulder. He turns around. "Do you know where the bre-."~random person. They look up and see sapnap, dream and George towering behind karl and look down at the person. "You ok?"~karl. "U-Ummm you know what I'll go ask someone else"~they says as they quickly walk away. "Weird"~karl says turning around. "Yeah very weird"~sapnap. "Mhm"~george. "Wonder why they left?"~dream. They all laugh nervously. "You think it's because of the bandages on my neck?"~karl. "No! Not at all!"~dream, George and sapnap. "Ah ok"~karl says as he smiles and walks on. George nudges sapnap. "Your boyfriend really is clueless"~he says laughing. "Shut up, your boyfriend is a big blob"~sapnap. "Yeah with a big dic-."~George. Dream covers his mouth. "Haha he was going to say ummmm dictionary! Yup he was going to say that"~dream. "Yeah sureee"~sapnap. "Hurry up!"~karl. They all hurry on and walk with Karl.
<<they all set off home>>

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