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Welcome to the chapter number 10 of "Ascending Love".



"Demonic Voice"



Sarada inhaled deeply as she started to wake from what felt like a long nap. She held a pillow close to her chest, her chin tucked into the pillow, lips pressed against the pillow and nose taking in the scent of the material. She recognized that scent, it felt very familiar, but she could not think of what was so familiar about it. Sarada felt warm, comfortable, and safe curled up beneath these covers, holding on to this pillow. She squinted her eyes looking around at the dimmed room. The lights were off in the room, but the curtains drawn provided the setting sun's natural light. Sarada couldn't really make out much of what was in the room aside from it being a peer's room. She could only tell that by the size of the bed, and the décor of the room. She could see some posters on the wall, but not really make out what was on them. Sarada lifted her chin to look around the room a little more as she tried to figure out where she was.

Sarada realized she did not have her glasses either. She reached around on the bed to see in they maybe were just laying around on the bed. She groaned at the absence of her glasses, the unknown room she was in, and the ache in her heart as she realized what led up to being in this situation. She rubbed her eyes sleepily and sat up. She could tell by the sunsetting she must have been asleep for a couple hours at least. Sitting up, Sarada looked a little harder around the room to figure where she was. The room felt comfortable and welcoming, and the scent of the pillow was something Sarada could recall being around frequently.

She stood up and walked to the book shelf and looked at the books squinting harder to figure out the book titles, but it was no use in this lighting. Sarada turned to the small desk and smirked seeing a couple picture frames and thinking yes! Sarada reached over and took one of the pictures in to her hands. She turned the frame to her and stared down. She whimpered upset at what she discovered. Looking down she saw two whisker faced blonds. Both smiling irritatingly up at her. She pushed the picture frame faced down on the desk and groaned with misery. She rolled her eyes and walked to the window.

How the hell did I end up in the Uzumaki house? what the heck am I going to do now? Who brought me here? Wait... is this Boruto's room? Was I just cuddling with his pillow? What the heck? Oh man, I hope he didn't see me sleeping... This is no good. I can't be here... Her mind raced as she looked out the window. She stared wide eyed lost in her thoughts running through her mind. Her stomach felt queasy thinking about everything that had happened 24 hours. Sarada lowered her head and felt her heart sink deep into her stomach as she realized everything she had to face. She felt more lost, hurt, and alone than ever. Sarada walked back to the desk and sat down at the chair. She brought her feet into the chair and wrapped her arms around her knees. She put her head down on her arms. She began to wonder if maybe she did hit her head somehow.


"Sarada?" The polite warm voice of Hinata called to the young Uchiha. Sarada felt like she would throw up if she picked up her head. She did not say anything. She didn't know if she could handle looking in to Hinata's eyes right now.

The door knob turned and the door cracked open. Hinata looked around inside for a moment. She came in to the room seeing that Sarada was up out of the bed. Hinata walked to the desk and Sarada heard her put something down on it. Sarada buried her face deeper in her arms. Her ears were burning from immense embarrassment, awkwardness, hurt, and anger. She never gave thought in having to look in to Naruto's wife's eyes until now. She sniffled and tears started escaping her eyes. She didn't want to look up no matter what.

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