Chandragupta rescues Moora

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Chandra enters Patliputra, Queen Moora sees Moon shining bright and smiles at it in tears and remembers it smiled similarly during Chandra's birth and says Chandra I know I will see you soon, and you will return for your mother.

Meanwhile Nandini's sleep is disturbed and says to moon Chandra I don't like you, please go.

The moon hides behind the clouds. Nandini claps and goes to sleep. Chanakya and his disciples enter Patliputra, Chanakya says this is Magadh, I was born here. Subhadra says Acharya are you sure he will come? Chanakya says yes he will and his friend enters. His friend says you didn't accept Padmanand's offer and now I have the whole working in my hand. Chanakya says my knowledge doesn't allow me to do it, you want your future and I want Bharat's future and I want to meet your King can you get ne permit? He says I will but he won't see you as Padmanand hate brahmins. Chanakya says that's my issue you get me one permit.

Padmanand says Moora I can't see you this way, today is my daughter's birthday I am very happy and see I got you new clothes, jewelry, say yes to me and you will be Magadh's queen, say yes Moora.

Moora smiles and says these clothes are so beautiful and soft but they will hurt me because they have Magadh's people pain. Moora insults Padmanand and he gets very angry and drags Moora. He throws her in front of soldiers and tells her to tie in town and beat her, dare she talks to me this way. Moora is dragged by soldiers. Moora says my son will come and take revenge of every single pain you gave to me and his father's death's revenge, he will come Nand, just wait and watch.

Chandra enters Patliputra market, and he feels very insecure. He sees people being tortured and an old man being hit for not paying for Nandini's birthday's taxes. 
He gets angry and think how bad is this King who tortures his own people. Soldiers get Moora tied and says  this is Moora whose husband killed our King, hit her. The people around soldiers starts hitting her.

Chandra steps in and says stop don't hit her. Chandra looks into Moora's eyes and hepls her to stand up. Moora asks who are you? Go run away they will hit you. A soldier was about to hit. Chandra holds his hand. Soldier announces everyone to move aside, Nandini is to pass by on her cart. Nandini passes in her cart. Chandra thinks here people are poor and distressed but the princess here is all in gold.

Chandra is not allowed to enter the kingdom,  he says Amartya Rakshas gave me. Soldiers say you stole it. Chandra says go and ask him if you don't believe. Chanakya see this and says what a brave child! Padmanand puts Nandini on a weight balance and asks Praja to keep their gifts on the other side. Chandra on behalf to old man, keeps Raj Nandini coin. Moora says oh! This is the same child! Padmanand says where did you get this from? Amartya Rakshas says I gave him. He is so brave, so I gave him. Chandra says I have to tell you something about your people and their torture you don't know. Padmanand says take Nandini inside and then asks Chandra to speak. Chandra says people are tortured here, poor lady was hit in middle of market. Padmanand says they do it on my order, run as fast as you can. I don't want to kill you as today is my daughter's birthday. Chandra says what I'd your soldiers can't catch me? If they don't catch me you have to return this gold taken from praja.

Padmanand thinks if I disagree than people will think I'm a coward and accepts it and says run, you have five minutes. Chandra wins the game and says give the gold back. Padmanand says this was a game of entertainment for me and so no returns go. Chandra gets angry and leaves. Chanakya was watching all this and says this child has so much bravery, there's something special in him.

Chanakya without permission sees Padmanand and says Bharat and Magadh is in danger. Foreign invader Sikandar is on his way with help of my plan we can save our city. Padmanand asks who are you? Chanakya says I am from Takshashila. Padmanand says now you will tell me, a King, how to work? Chanakya says I'm not joking Magadh is in danger. Padmanand insults him and says you a joker. And throws gold coins on him and then kicks him out and says take these and get out. Chanakya says even Ravan's ego had to lose in end and even your ego will lose. Padmanand says throw him out. Chanakya says you have invited Magadh's danger. Someday you will fall on my feet begging for life and I will not tie my hair until they see your blood. These is a Brahmin's swear. Chanakya is thrown out of kingdom.

Chanakya in forest angry and hurt. He is injured, he sees a wind animal about to attack. An animal about to attack him. Chandra steps in and fights with the animal. Chanakya says son don't fight, but Chandra keeps fighting and defeats the animal. The animal runs away. Chanakya says you would have died. Chandra says I did this to save you, here's food come let's have it. Chanakya says it is too less you eat, it will fill your stomach. Chandra says we will share it. Chanakya says I see a King in you.

Bharat Ma – Chanakya saw the King in Chandra he never saw in Padmanand and they together were to fight for my glory.

Precap : Chandra fights soldiers bravely.

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