You Tell Him your Pregnant | Preferences

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You waited until you went to the doctors to hear the baby's heartbeat for the first time before you told Harry. You found out your were pregnant in the middle of November, and thought it was perfect to pretend you had an early present for him. You went out and found the perfect thing; a blue jumper (sweater) just like his. You put the jumper into a box and wrapped it, then waited for him to come home when he did you were sitting in the living room with the box next to you. Harry came in and flopped next to you exhausted from playing football all day. He planted a kiss on your cheeks and looked at the box. "Babe, my birthday isn't for another few weeks?What's this for?" He questioned. "An early birthday present!" You handed the box to him waiting his reaction. He pulled the lid off and lifted the tiny jumper up, confused at first, until he realized what you were trying to tell him and a huge smile came across his face. "Are you pregnant?" He asked and all you could do was shake your head. He jumped up and was so excited and picked you up spinning you around. "I'M GONNA BE A DADDY!"


You walked out of the bathroom, looking at Josh who was still sleeping. You frowned, trying to rub the sleep out of your eyes. How am I pregnant? you thought to yourself. What would Josh do? Another thought ran through your head. You ran downstairs looking at the guys on the couch. "Hey Y/N," Vik smiled and Simon waved at you. "I gotta tell you something and I really need advice about it." You panicked and they all nodded. "I just found out I was pregnant. How do I tell Josh?" They all froze, looking towards the doorway."You already did." Josh smiled walking towards you. Turning in shock, josh rapped he are around, pecking you lips. "You're happy about it?" You questioned. "Of course I am, I know we're a bit young but I don't care, I'll still help and take care of it." Josh smiled. "AWE" All the boys said behind you guys.


"Hey, Ethan? Can we talk to you?" Vik asked tentatively, his arm securely wrapped around your waist, he was very nervous. "Sure thing. What's up?" He said facing his attention towards the to of you. "We need to tell you something." Vik mumbled, so scared of pissing off your brother. "What?" His face was less light-hearted and more concerned. "I'm pregnant, Ethan." You stated before Vik could fumble around it anymore. "You're- oh, wow. Well, congratulations. I guess." He said . "What do you think we should do?" Vik asked. "What you'd mean what do I think you should do?" He questioned.

"I don't want your sister to have my baby if you'll be mad at me."  Vik blurted. "Mate, I'm not mad at you. You love her right? You love each other?" Ethan glanced at you too. Vik looked down at you and you met his gaze. "Of course I do, I don't know what I'd do without her." He said. "And you'll look after her and the baby and stay with her, won't you?"

"I'd marry her if I was brave enough." Vik looked at you lovingly and you were so surprised.

"You'd What? I mean-of course I'd marry you!" You smiled shocked.  "But I don't want to do it like this. It's meant to be romantic and there's meant to be a ring and-" Vik rambled, but you cut him off.

"Vik, I don't care how you propose. I love you, planned romanticism or not." You reached up to cup his face with your hand, mostly ignoring Ethan now. "Are you just saying that so you can pick the ring?" Vik smirked. "Maybe a bit." You pushed up on your toes to kiss him, only stopping when Ethan made noises to interrupt. "You two will be the best parents, you have my permission or whatever now go and make out in private - I was here first." Ethan turned back to being sprawled on the sofa surfing through twitter and Vik pulled you by your hand to your room.

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I was bored I might do the rest later

kendra xo

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