Vikk | Sad ish

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Your POV-

"I've had it Vikk! I haven't seen you in a whole fucking month, and now that I am here, all you do is hang out with the boys and leave me alone and don't even talk to me! You act like you don't give a crap about me!"

"Well I'm sorry I have friends (Y/N), maybe if you actually went out and made some of your own friends, this wouldn't be a problem!"

"All I'm asking for is for you to spend a little bit of time with me! Is that too much to ask? I have seen you for about an hour in the past week and we share a room together!"

"When did you become so clingy, god. Get off my back and just leave me alone!"

"Leave you alone? Fine, I'll leave you alone, for good. Goodbye asshole." Pushing past him, you slam the door to the hotel room, Glancing back at the apartment , you'd realize that this is it, this is the end, this is goodbye.


It has been 1 months since you and Vikk had broken up. You weren't as shaken up as You thought you'd be. You got over it quite fast. But standing here, in the same room as Vikk was making my heart hurt. All the memories came flooding back to me like a tidal wave, I was drowning. You thought It be okay coming to the Sidemen house for a party. But it seems like I was wrong. "(Y/N), you coming?" Your friend says. Snapping back to reality.

"Let's go get a drink." Your friend says. Your body freezes as you notice that Vikk was standing close by the drinks. "Oh, come on (Y/N), stop being a baby. Have you even seen Vikk since you broke up?" You sigh.

"(Y/F/N), the point of the break up was so I didn't have to see Vikk again, or did that slip your mind?"

"I think it'll be good for you to see him. It'll give you a kind of closure, ya know?"

"Closure? I broke up with him, I don't need 'closure', I'm fine."

(Y/F/N) friend rolls her eyes. "I still know you still like him (Y/N)."

"I do not still like Vikk."

"Hmm, yea sure. If you don't like him, why are you still talking about him?" She says, smirking, successfully shutting me up.

"I, well. I don't know." You mumble. She gives you the 'I told you so' look. You glare at her in return.

(Y/F/N) grabs your hand pulling you along to the bar. Before you knew it you were face to face with Tobi "Hey (Y/N), long time no see." He says.

"Yea, it's been a while." Aside from Vikk, Tobi and you were the closet. I was able to tell him anything and vice versa, if i missed anyone, it would be Tobi.

"How you been?" He says, pouring you a drink.

"Pretty good, we should catch up later." You say, smiling as you pick up the drink.

"Definitely." He responds and (Y/F/N) grabs you hand once again

The conversation basically replays itself since your friend pulled you around to each boy, until I reach Vikk. The closer you get to him, the more your palms begin to sweat and the faster you hearts beats. Fuck, You should not feel this way. You don't like him, or do you?

"Hey Vikk." You say softly and he looks up at you, looking purely shocked.

"Oh, hey (Y/N). Can we talk, later I mean?" He suggests, his voice quiet but loud enough for you to hear over the music.

You glance up at him, making eye contact for the first time in ages. Your brain is telling you to say no, but your brain is no longer in control as your heart takes over. I nod my head softly and he smiles, clearly pleased with my answer. "I'll see you later."

You nod again, afraid that if you speak you will say something you will forever regret. Sighing, You think about what you just got yourself into.

I wait around the house, waiting for Te party to finish, and you just play around on your phone until I hear my name being called. "Hey (Y/N)." Vikk says, jogging up to you, slightly breathless. "What did you want to talk about?" You say, refusing to make eye contact, knowing that if I do, You'll break.

"I want to talk about us." He says, sitting down beside you.

"There is no 'us' Vikk, 'us' ended months ago." You say coldly.

"It doesn't have to be like that. Come on, I missed you."

"It doesn't have to be like anything Vikk, I want it to be like that! You should've thought about this when you kept ditching me for your friends." You stand up, wanting to end the conversation.

"I'm not letting you walk away again." He says, grabbing onto your wrist and pulling you into him.

You instantly became relaxed in his arms, immediately feeling safe in his all too familiar arms. "Let me go Vikk." You mumble into his chest.

"I'm not letting you go. Take me back. I need you (Y/N), I am sorry. I am so sorry. I was and I am an idiot. Letting you go was so stupid of me and when you left, I realized that you were right. I should have spent more time with you and I shouldn't have let you go so easily."

"I don't think this is a good idea Vikk."

"Please, give me a second chance!" He looks into your eyes, his brown eyes watering every so lightly.

Sighing, You let my heart take over my mind again. "One more chance Barn, just don't fuck it up." You smiled


I haven't updated in like 4 million years, I'm sorry. I just bailed on Wattpad kinda but I'll be back don't worry.


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