Chapter 8: Attack

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Alias's POV

It was a message from Agent Henkerson.

Alias. Our base is under attack. Unknown enemies are going after our power source. We're going to need your help.

I bit my cheeck and replied, Anytime old man. Do I get to use one of the killing machines?

His reply was immediate, Yes.

Wow, he must be really desperate.

I hacked into the base and then into the cameras and machine guns.

I flipped on the red light, letting the soldiers know that I was in control. They pulled their hands away. Hopefully they would be able to create an aerial attack now.

I looked through the cameras and spotted a bunch of incoming jets. So maybe an aerial attack wouldn't be best right now.

I aimed the guns up at them and fired.

Most of the bullets bounced off. What the heck!?

Who had the kind of technology to stop bullets!?

I started concentrating the fire to specific jets and-

"What the grasshopper!?" I yelped.

It was the Decepticons! The two that I shot transformed and fell to the ground, causing a large plume of dust.

"OPTIMUS!" I called out loudly.

He came over quickly, the other bots behind him because I had just interrupted their meeting. Rather loudly.

"The Decepticons are attacking a military base." I told him.

"Why would they- how could you- what do they-?" Ratchet stammered.

"Ratchet, contact Agent Fowler." Optimus ordered.

Ratchet nodded and went over to his computer, but before he got there, Agent Fowler called the base.

"Prime. The cons really stepped it up this time. They attacked a U.S. military lab. My boys in green can hold them off until your team shows." Fowler said.

"I cannot allow human casualties. Pull them back. We'll be there as soon as we know the coordinates." Optimus told him.

"Sending them now." Fowler said. "I'll see you there."

He shut off the connection and I heard the sound of the groundbridge opening.

I didn't look to check however because I was a little busy. The Decepticons were trying to destroy the defense towers, probably because the machine guns that I was using were in there. I had gotten about seven of the cons by now, but I was losing my guns.

Not to mention the soldiers just retreated and they had gotten to the lab's power source.

I growled.

I could barely even see now, because most of the lab was in ruins. I could only rely on the cameras on the towers, which I was somehow keeping safe from the Decepticons. I shot at one of them who were holding the power source and he went down.

Another one took his places and I had to defend the towers as a new wave came down.

Suddenly I saw a blue portal and grinned, knowing that the reinforcements had arrived.

The Autobots ran out and started shooting the Decepticons down. My towers were basically forgotten as everyone focused on each other.

I quickly shot down the Decepticons holding the power source and kept everyone who tried to get to it away.

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