Chapter 9: Unicron (Unicorn)

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Optimus's POV

"Prime!? Do you copy?" Agent Fowler demanded from his image on the computer.

"I hear you Agent Fowler." I replied.

"Have you been reading the news? Mother nature has a twitch up her britches." Fowler said.

"We know about the volcano." I told him.

"And the quakes? Seven different major earthquakes of the exact same magnitude just happened at the exact same time." Agent Fowler said.

A bunch of news reports  of severe weather popped up on the screen next to Fowler's image.

"Should I mention all of these other record breaking and powerful natural disasters, that probably aren't actually natural?" Alias asked us, holding her computer in concern.

"They're right." Ratchet said, looking at one of them, "And it isn't safe outside here either. Bee, you should go and ensure that Nurse Darby and Raf are safe."

I nodded in agreement.

"Don't tell me the cons are building a weather machine." Agent Fowler said.

"One that powerful? It's doubtful. I don't know why these events are all occurring. It can't just be the planetary alignment." Ratchet said, turning to his computer.

"But if I convert these data points to audio files... By the Allspark. Listen." Ratchet said quietly.

"What is it?" Fowler said.

Alias shushed him.

We all listened intently until we heard a quiet cybertronian heartbeat. My optics widened.

"A heartbeat?" Jack asked.

"How is that possible? There's nothing inside the Earth to pump execpt-" Nurse Darby cut herself off and Raf finished.

"The blood of Unicron."

"Wait hold on, you think something is living down there? Like inside the planet?" Miko asked.

"I fear that nothing is living inside your planet's core, but rather, Unicron is your planet's core." I told her.

"How can an ancient robot be the Earth's core?" Nurse Darby asked.

"It's not unprecedented. Before everything, there was Unicron and Primus. They fought for a long time before Primus finally built the thirteen original Primes that preceded me. Only then was Primus able to defeat Unicron and cast him out. Primus became one with Cybertron's core." I explained.

"So, Unicron drifted through space until he fell into orbit with the sun and over time, stuff stuck to him and made the Earth?" Alias asked.

I nodded, "That is what I believe."

"So what happens when he wakes up? He stretches and Earth goes, kapow?" Miko asked.

I fell silent.

"You don't know do you?" Nurse Darby asked.

I shook my head, "But either way, it is important that we stop Unicron from ever arising."

"Well, we could start with investigating the Earthquake epicenters. I have a hunch that they are more related to Unicron than the storms." Ratchet said.

"Where do we begin?" I asked.

Ratchet typed in a set of coordinates and opened the groundbridge.

"You can start here. Who is all going?" He asked.

"Just me." I told him before walking through.


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