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Virat was walking around excited in his house, he was finally gonna be meet Rohith, they have not seen since the world cup and both of them were going crazy missing each other, although they will never admit it.

Finally, they were planning to meet each other today, as Virat was rested for the 1st test and Rohith has been rested this series, they were both in the same locality and have decided to meet up for a meal.

"Today is the day", Virat yelled for the thousandth time to Anushka, "God Vi, I know," Anushka said as she rolled her eyes. "When are you going ?" asked Anushka to an overexcited Virat, who replied "Like in five minutes!!", "oh then GO" Anushka yelled, pushing Virat, eager to get Virat out of the house, "going..going", Virat said, chuckling and waving goodbye to Anushka and his little prince.

When Virat reached the restaurant, surprisingly Rohith was already there, sitting on the seat they reserved.

"Woah you are early for once," Virat said smiling

"Ya, because I value your time," Rohith said assuming Virat was late cause he wasn't excited to meet him

"Since when?" Virat chuckled, sitting down beside Rohith

"Unlike you, who doesn't even come on time to meet a person you haven't seen for like..a while" Rohith spat accusingly

"Ro, I was not late, you were early" Virat said, calmly for once

"Virat, I was on time, and you weren't" Rohith continued his accusation

"What's wrong with you?" Virat asked, confused

"You know, if you don't wanna meet then you could just say that you don't need to come just because I invited you," Rohith said, sounding childish but hurt

Virat caught onto Rohith's thoughts, Virat took a sip of water to prevent smirking at Rohith's childish behavior and said "Why would you think that?"

"Because clearly, you are not half as excited as I am" Rohith backed his argument with evidence.

" Right, I am not excited at all," Virat said teasingly, Rohith who missed the playfulness in Virat's voice got a bit hurt by Virat admitting he wasn't excited, " Okay, I am sorry, you could go now, no one is forcing you to stay," he said with hurt evident in his small voice.

"Okay, I will go," Virat said getting up, having too much fun with the attention he was receiving from Rohith. Rohith gulped in hurt, he thought Virat would assure him that he was also excited to meet Rohith. 

Rohith suddenly winced seeing Virat not going anywhere, "Aren't you going?" Rohith asked hopefully yet hurt. "Oh ya I am going," Virat said crashing the hopes of Rohith, "Then go" came the stern voice of Rohith. "I will go after I give this gift," Virat said forwarding a beautifully wrapped small object.

 "Gift? For who?" Rohith asked confused, "For the most idiotic human on this planet," Virat said annoyed, "you are buying yourself a gift?" Rohith asked, cooling down. "Okay, you don't deserve this" Virat said taking the gift back but before he could do that Rohith snatched the gift from Virat, "This is my gift," Rohith said frowning at Virat, "Oh really I didn't know that!" Virat teased annoyed. 

Rohith ignored this and started unwrapping the gift, and he found a sleep mask with Pandas all over it. "I got you a better sleep mask, the one you got is ugly and dirty" Virat explained, "Why panda?" Rohith questioned, "Because you are my panda bear," Virat said, stressing 'my', Rohith smiled in awe. 

"Ya, so I clearly am not excited to see you, and oh ya I am leaving," Virat said getting up to leave.

Rohith rushed and hugged Virat from behind, "I forgot to get you a gift" Rohith said hugging Virat, "That's not news to me" Virat said as he clearly was not expecting a gift from Rohith. "But...I did miss you" Rohith said, truthfully.

 "I know you did" Virat spoke turning around and returning the hug. "Okay, Chalo let's eat," Rohith said getting out of the hug. "

Eat-sleep and repeat, literally, this is all you think about" Virat muttered in rage,

 "You know, next time you should get me a t-shirt that says 'Eat-sleep and Repeat' " Rohith said resulting in both of them laughing out loud, 

"Ya I am the only one getting gift here," Virat said when they finished laughing, "My love is your biggest gift," Rohith said chuckling.

 "This is why I was not excited to see you," Virat said not appreciating Rohith's humor skills. "Sorry? Did you just say you missed me? I know, I am so charming, how can you not miss me? but it's okay I am here now" Rohith said, patting Virat's shoulder.


Too short?? 

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