Rohirat~ Together forever~

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Yes, it's been two months since both of them have talked, no they are not fighting.

It's just been a busy life, they have caught up on a lot of things that they had to deal with and a lot of people they had to spend time with, they were busy taking care of the responsibilities and events that were thrown at them. They were dealing with their separate lives, hence talking to each other or spending time together wasn't the first choice and as time went by it wasn't even a last choice.

Did they miss each other? Yes, sometimes, but, did they have other people to surround themselves with?, Yes.

So as time went past, both Virat and Rohith got caught up in their "personal" or "separate" lives, a life where the two of them hadn't talked.

At first, they did call each other regularly but when they realized they both were busy the regular talks cut down to twice, then it became once in a week, soon after it became no-calling. Without them realizing it, they both drifted away from each other.

For Virat, he realized Rohith was busy, Rohith had new responsibilities to take care of, of course, Virat understood that. But it still hurts Virat to see his best friend pushing him to the second or third choice. And without saying anything he slowly got out of the life of Rohith. For how long? Well, he wasn't sure.

For Rohith, he realized Virat had to spend time with his family. He realized Virat wasn't at his best because of all these things going around him. Of Course, Rohith understood that. But he still felt hurt when he saw Virat getting out of his life, but he let him do that. Why? Well, he wasn't sure.

So as they were living life smoothly out of each other's worlds, Rohith, Ritika, and Sammy happened to come to Mumbai, and Virat, Anushka, and Vamika happened to be there too. Coincidence? Na I think it's destiny.

So as usual Ritika and Anushka planned a family date, Virat did protest, but did Anushka budge? NO. Rohith did whine, but did Ritika budge? No.

The wifes too realized the process of "Drift" that was happening between the two best friends and the "Family-Date" became more important now than ever.

The Garden:

The pair of wives choose the perfect spot, a picnic in the middle of a beautiful private garden where no one would disturb them.

As they came into the garden, the family's acknowledged the presence of each other, the wifes hugged each other, the kids giggled with each other, and... well the pair of best friends? They ignored each other. Which did not go unnoticed by the wives... who were up to something big now.

As they laid the picnic mat out and sat together, Vamika and Samira played with each other resembling a pair of siblings. Both Virat and Rohith fondly watched the bond of their daughters, having a smile on their faces for the first time today.

Sensing this Anushka and Ritika got up to leave the kids and their dads alone.

"Where are you both going?" Virat asked both Ritika and Anushka as soon as they got up

"We will be back in a while" Ritika replied

"Why are you going?" Now it was Rohith who questioned

" We said we will be back," Anushka said a bit sternly, making both Virat and Rohith shut up.

Smiling at them, the wives left.

When Rohith and Virat turned their attention towards the kids, they saw the precious daughters hugging each other.

Virat's eyes melted seeing his Sammy taking the big sister role

Rohith's eyes melted when he saw Vami clinging on to Sammy like, Virat clings on to him

And at the same time reminiscing the memories they shared both Virat and Rohith looked at each other, their teary eyes met.

"Fuck, I missed you" Virat mumbled not even realizing the kids were there

"Stop swearing," Rohith said with the same intensity

"Here, I am pouring my feelings out, and you are telling me not to swear", said Virat, a bit annoyed and hurt.

" I-.. I.. the kids are around so don't swear is all I said" Rohith said like his usual self

Virat was hurt, he wanted Rohith to tell him that he too missed him and how much Virat meant for him. So not receiving the expected sweet words from Rohith, Virat walked away from the picnic area to the river valley, leaving Rohith stunned but still warm.

Anushka and Ritika saw an angry Virat walking past them to the river valley, sensing something was wrong both of them rushed to Rohith and the kids.

"What happened?" Ritika was the first to question

" Why is Virat walking away?" Anushka followed

Rohith smiled at them, "Nothing, I will go to him, take care of the kids" Rohith said gleefully walking to Virat.

" UGH, they are impossible" Ritika whined

"Talk to me about it" Anushka joined the whiny tone

River Valley:

When Rohith reached the River, he saw his friend sitting on a bench covered with graffiti art. Rohith slowly walked over and sat next to an angry Virat.

"Hi," Rohith said as he moved closer to Virat

"Don't come closer" Virat warned, still angry

" Woahh," Rohith said while chuckling

"What?" Virat spoke still fuming

" You, Mr.Kohli, I love you, you know that," Rohith said still trying to hug a stubborn Virat

"But I don't" Virat spoke, again, stubbornly

"I totally believe you!" Rohith teased

"Okay" Virat spoke as if he didn't want to reconcile with Rohith

"What okay?

 won't you talk to me?" Rohith asked a little offended but determined

"You are too busy for me, why do you wanna talk now?" Virat asked, reasonably

" Vi, you know that I had so much to take care of, it was so new to me, I am sorry," Rohith said a bit emotional

"Promise me, you will find time for me, always," Virat said like a little kid

" Ya, I promise but only if you promise to never ever drift away from me like this" Rohith played along

"Promise," Virat said, and he meant it

"They are so much like us, aren't they?" Virat asked

"Ya, they will be best friends like us" Rohith confirmed

"Come now, let's play tag," Virat said

"Bro, what are you 3? Tag? Seriously"

"You lazy idiot, always sitting or sleeping... God, how lazy can a human be" Virat rambles as usual!

"I missed you too," Rohith said holding onto Virat's arm, just like Vami was doing to Sammy

Virat smiled, "Ya?"

"Ya" Rohith assured smiling

"I have an idea, why don't we go to your place, and you could play with the kids and I will sleep?" Rohith asked too excited

" OH GOD," Virat said rolling his eyes

"That was a wonderful idea" Rohith defended himself

"Are you ever gonna change? Actually don't change... I like you this way" Virat said smiling 


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