One Shot/Fantasy AU

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Explanation: Dream is a wizard and Karl is a Time traveler, but visiting his original time. Dream was taking care of his dragon and Karl was on a walk.
Karl POV:
I walked out of my homes library and decided to visit my parents for a little while. As I left my house I pulled on my purple coat and placed my swirly glasses a-top my fluffy chestnut hair. The outside looked beyond brilliant, the sky seemed cloudless, only carrying 2 bright white clouds at most. I looked to the path leaning into the woods with giant and small mushrooms scattering around the place. I smiled at the everlasting sight and glad to be back in my own time-line.

The path was staring to become one with the nature surrounding my little cottage. The breeze was very light but refreshing, the walk to the forest was nice and amazing as always. I reached the huge forest and saw lots of common flowers around where I live and picked one for my mum. I kept walking through the forest and seeing a clearing filled with daisies, my personal favourite! I ran into the field and sat down at the edge in the shade underneath a peachy-orange coloured mushroom with flares dancing around at the ends.

To me this honestly seems like a perfect scene... a cloudless sky, daisies in a clearing and sitting underneath a giant mushroom with my thoughts. A sound broke through my thoughts and I turned around and heard the roar of a dragon, It seemed to be in pain. Even though dragons are big and scary, I want to help, so I ran towards the sound of the hurt dragon. 5 minutes of running I saw purple blood, this belonged to the one and only ender-dragon... that is the most dangerous. I cautiously walk closer to it and see a person with a giant cloth, dipping it in water and an ender-dragon with many arrows drawn into it, the sight seemed sad, and the person was sniffing slightly, like they were crying.

I'm guessing they heard my foot steps because they raised their head and looked at me with panic. "Please don't hurt her!" I looked at him with confusion obvious in my face, he must've saw this and calmed down. I sighed and sat next to him as he kept dipping the cloth in the water. "What happened?" I asked the person and he looked at me, "Hunters... they hit her" he said motioning to the Ender-dragon. I wasn't surprised, hunters take their job very seriously... "Can I help in anyway?" I ask wanting to help the person who was in obvious panic. "That would be very nice.." he said and smiled at me sweetly, he lifted the now wet cloth out of the water and walked over to the dragon. He placed it on the ground and took out... a wand? He flicked the end and the arrows left the dragon, but the ender-dragon seemed to roar out in pain once again. I covered my ears as it was loud and long lasting, the man seemed to do the same.

It stopped and he dragged the cloth, staring to clean up the wounds and removing dirt from the dragon. "Hey of you want to help... can you please get me some roses, daisies and a part of the metopash stalk?" I nodded knowing where all of those things belonged. I rushed over to the clearing full of daisies and picked 10, I then rushed back down the path and saw the roses, I picked 10 of them, being really careful. I pulled out my side bag from my inside jacket. I carefully put the flowers inside and I ran back to the clearing and down the path in the grass I made earlier, I saw the metopash and ripped some of the stalk and put in underneath my arm. I sprinted towards the wizard and panted heavily hearing his foot steps approach and I handed him the side bag and the Metopash stalk.

The man flicked his wand towards me and a bowl of copper full of water appeared in-front of me, I looked up at him and he nodded and giving me a smile and reassure, I don't know why but his kind action made my face heat up and I trusted him, grabbing the copper bowl and taking a sip of the cold water. It cooled me down quickly and once I finished it all the bowl dissolved. I looked up to see the dragon sleeping lightly and the wizard in the middle of the semi circle the gigantic dragon seemed to be in. He sighed and motioned me to come over with an inviting wave, I walked over and sat next to him with my legs crossed.

He seemed to notice and laughed lightly, " You can lie down on Patches, she is harmless to humans!" The wizards said smiling, I trusted him and rearranged my current position. "What is your name?" I asked curiously and taking his appearance in, Dirty blonde hair, it wasn't short but wasn't long either, his eyes just reminded me of nature in general, they are a nice green with a light dusting of brown. He is wearing a lime green coat and white shirt, black pants that seemed ripped, his sleeves were rolled up and his hands as well as his wrists seemed to has scars on them, not from self harm, but from fights. His build looked like he was strong and around 6'3 I'd say.

"My name is Clayton, but most people call me Dream, because apparently I look like one." He said laughing slightly when he finished, he held out his hand to make an alliance. "I am Karl! Karl Jacobs!" I said with enthusiasm, he smiled and we shook hands, the dragon awoke and yawned lightly, before seeing me and I got scared. The ender-dragon sniffed me for a little while and then proceeded to lick my face, my face was covered on slobber, but I just patted the dragon gently on the head as it purred with love. Patches rested it's head right by my body and I continued to pat her, before hearing someone laughing like a tea kettle. It was dream and I got a little flushed seeing him laugh at Patched licking my face. "Gezz she has never licked anyone else but me, sorry for laughing!" He said in between deep breaths.

"It is alright..." I said a little angry but mostly just red from him laughing. Love... how it had hurt me in the past... I thought, speaking to only myself in my head. I placed my hand down sighing lightly and smiling, I looked over to dream and his face seemed to be pink, he placed his own hand down next to mine and closed his eyes. I chuckled light heartedly and placed my hand a-top his. He opened his eyes and looked at me, we made eye-contact and he smiled sweetly before looking away and blushing profusely. I laughed and Dream intertwined our hands.

Maybe love will be kind to me just this once...

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