listening to your voice and the rain..//one-shot

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TW: Swearing, Panic attack

Dreams POV:

George yelled at me, on stream... "what?..." was all I could muster out before leaving the call, Nick (Sapnap) is out today and for awhile longer, no George... I try to stand but my legs only fail me. I fall to the ground right beside my bed and bring my knees toward my chest taking is harsh and shaky breaths, everything thing is turning blue... why is it so hard to breath, it is like the air that is meant to help me is choking me. I lift my head due to hearing a ringing sound, my eyesight completely blurred like I need glasses...

I reach up to my desk, snatching my phone of it and checking who called me, Karl. I though, a smile appeared upon my face but as soon as I smiled my mind went to calling myself out on everything bad I have ever done... 'I don't deserve to be comforted...' My eyes tear up more, and more, and more.... the panic becomes worse as my blurred vision picks up that he is calling me again. 'fuck' my internal monologue spoke to me, I had to pick up, well this one at least.

I answer Karls call, but its hard to, the screen is so slippery with my own tears. "h-Hi Karl.." I speak into the microphone of my phone "Dream, I've tried calling you for 20 minutes, are you having another one?" the tones of his voice were sincerity and worry, everything started changing colors as I reached into my brain for a reason to end this call. "I-I am but don't worry about it." 'FUCK' I curse myself, now he's going to worry more for sure!

"look around you what do you see? and when your done name 5..." I looked around trying to clear my vision but it didn't work, so I picked what was already there and I looked into the direction of it. "bed, chair, PC, desk, phone and uh, curtains?" Karl nodded, "4 things you can feel?" Clothing, headache, carpet and mattress sheets..." "3 things you can smell.." "Tea, freshly cut wood, new books..." Karl murmured something and I didn't question him. "2 things you are able to hear?" "R-rain and you..." my face flushed with embarrassment, I really didn't mean to say 'you' it just came to my mind... "1 thing you can taste.." "mint."

By the time Karl calms me down my face is still red, I have no idea what from, but I am now in my bed and listening to the rain, Karl said he'd be here soon, no idea how...he lives in another state, I decide to ask nick about it. 'hey nick, where is Karl at the moment?' 'dude it is like 2am why do you wanna know?' 'well, he said he'd be here soon. don't know how.' 'oh, yeah forgot to tell you he is in Florida and I am with Mr. beast...' I typed a thanks and goodbye, soon enough I hear my front door open and there is Karl now standing at the side of my bed playing with my hair.

That's the moment I realise that I was blushing... "Hey..." My attention turns to Karl and out of my thoughts, "hm?" I hum questioningly "Do you mind if I sleep next to you?" I shake my head still trying to fully calm down from earlier, Karl slides into my bed next to me and holds me close... I listen to his voice, saying such sweet things like "your okay now" "I promise your safe" and "You are so worth it..." Mixed with the light pattering of rain, it was perfect... wonderful and I felt safe.

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